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"YOU'RE FUCKING KIDDING ME, RIGHT?" Drew couldn't believe what he just heard. "What makes you think I'd do that?" He hissed through gritted teeth.

The harsh tone of his voice caught the attention of nearby customers in the restaurant, but it wasn't really a concern to him anymore.

He was filled with rage when Vanessa, his publicist, told him to break up with his girlfriend and fake a relationship with her best friend, Amaya Gilbert, to increase his popularity in Hollywood.

"Drew," Vanessa says calmly. "You have to understand that this is for the good of your career."

Drew could not help but scoff at that, "For my career or for her career?" He points to Amaya who was just listening intently to their conversation, clearly annoyed by his opposition to their scheme. "Because my career has nothing to do with my relationship, Vanessa." He slammed his hand forcefully on the table, knocking a few condiments.

"Let's all discuss this professionally." Heidi, Amaya's publicist reminds them, particularly to Drew.

Drew looked at her sternly before sighing heavily, "I'm not gonna do that to Adelaide."

"It's only for a few weeks, Drew." Amaya begged. "Addie would want you to do this for me."

He shook his head at that, scoffs and said, "You're a shit friend, Amaya. I hope you know that."

With that, Drew stood up and left the restaurant, ignoring Vanessa and Heidi's calls. He couldn't care less if they'd ruin his reputation as a result of his disagreement to their proposition; he would never betray Adelaide like that.

The next morning, Drew was awakened by the sudden flash of light and the continual clicks of a camera shutter. He instantly shot up upon seeing Amaya laying him, practically nude.

"What the fuck, Amaya?!" He shoved her out of the bed and quickly stood up, distancing himself from her. "What the fuck are you doing?! How did you get in?!" He shouts, venom laced in his tone. It had looked like something happened between them since he was pretty much naked, too.

Amaya recovered from being pushed on the floor and straightened up. She stood in front of a frustrated Drew, wearing nothing but a skimpy lingerie, playfully waving her phone in the air.

"Drew, all you had to do was end things with Adelaide, you know? It's quite a simple favor." She sighs in a teasing manner as she slowly approached him. "How do you think she'll react when she sees this photo?"

Drew swallows the lump in his throat as he looks at the picture. Surely enough, the photo of him and Amaya laying in bed looked pretty deceptive if Adelaide were to see it without an explanation.

"I-I'm sorry, Addie." Drew whispered, refusing to make eye contact.

Adelaide was quiet amidst their conversation. However, the heavy tears that flowed out of her eyes was evident that she was clearly upset by the suddenness of their breakup.

Drew was disappointed at himself for caving in to Amaya but he figured breaking up with Adelaide was better than hurting her because of something he didn't do.

It was kind of a selfish act, really.

A month passed and it was still the same, depressing state for Drew; he hadn't been sleeping properly and the only time he'd go out of his apartment was when him and Amaya had to go out and pose for fake paparazzi photos.

After almost a week of fake dating, Amaya had gotten all the public attention she wanted, and was already in line for an upcoming movie directed by Julianna Johnson.

Other than going out with Amaya, he'd most likely spend his time doing nothing at his apartment. His once energetic nature was now replaced with glumness, and the whole cast had noticed it, too. They were thoughtful enough to visit him regularly, especially Madelyn considering she lived right below him, as a matter-of-fact. But he just wasn't the same anymore.

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