Everyone in the common room was stunned. Shouto was not typically the kind of person who would openly punch people, let alone classmates. The temperature of the room started to drop rapidly as he held Shinsou by the collar of his shirt. "How could you?" Shouto's voice was as cold as the frost that formed at his feet. His rage wasn't an angry fire, but rather it was a slow deep freeze. It chilled the air.

It took a moment for Shinsou to process what happened then another moment more to understand what Shouto was referring to. Shinsou had made his decision, "I am a hero in training. I do not fraternize with the enemy." Shinsou deadpanned. While it pained him to say it, this was his new resolve. He clenched his jaw as he felt the brunt of Shouto's punch mix with the sting from Spinel's slap.

The frost around Shouto instantly evaporated into steam as he dropped Shinsou. "So, she meant nothing to you?" he snarled.

"H-hey! Let's take a step back, shall we? You know, take a breather and talk this out. No need to hit anyone." Kirishima stepped between the pair. He wasn't sure what happened, but he did know that it involved Spinel.

"What the hell are you talking about, Icyhot?" Bakugo glared at him, he wasn't going to lie, he was intrigued.

"Nothing. I'm going to bed." Shouto turned and left without any other word or warning.


"Nat?" Spinel gently tapped on the door at the back of his shop. She kinda hoped he was still awake; she really didn't want to sleep outside for the night. Spinel only managed to disappear from Eraserhead with the help of the bartender, so she certainly wasn't ready to face him again. She knocked once more.

Nat rubbed his eyes before he opened the door. "What are you doing here?" The shorter man's eyes widened suddenly. "Is that a new look?"

"W-well, about that." Spinel chuckled awkwardly.

Nat promptly let her in. It usually took a few minutes before he woke up fully but considering he had a surprise guest he couldn't just take his time. "Come on in. I'll make us some warm drinks." Nat shivered at the outside temperature. "Tea, coffee or hot chocolate?"

She entered through the tattoo parlor. She was a lot more confident than when she first arrived. It was a strange feeling. A portion of her past and now her present mingled through the shop. "Hot chocolate please." She replied as she followed Nat to the second floor where the living space was kept. Just like on the first floor, the second floor was all punk. Hot topic definitely threw up on the second floor. The dark walls were decorated with a combination of different art designs painted in white and silver. She usually didn't spend very long on the second floor but now she had the chance to really take in décor. Spinel could appreciate how much time and effort it must have taken Nat to paint each pattern by hand.

The pair sat at the small square table. Nat handed over Spinel's mug, his gesture exposed new tattoos on his muscular arm. "So, what happened?"

Spinel took a slow sip of her drink. She wasn't sure of the best way to tell him. "Dabi is dead." She decided to rip off the metaphorical band-aid

Nat almost spat out his coffee in shock. No one could kill that guy. He is too much of a prick to stay dead. "What?!"

- ----ONE STORY LATER-----

"Shit." Nat ran his fingers through his mussed bed hair. "Are you alright?"

Spinel nodded. "I-it's just sinking in, ya know? Everything." She smiled sadly at her now empty cup of hot chocolate. She had hundreds of questions swirl in her head hopelessly scrambling for an answer that she couldn't reach. A pillow came flying at her face. "What the fuck?!" She glared at Nat, her eyes not holding any real heat.

"Sleep first. You can think later." he ruffled her hair and gave her an uplifting smile in attempts to cheer her up. "You look like a zombie."

Spinel rolled her eyes playfully. "Yeah, I know. It fucking suits me."

- ----A FEW DAYS LATER-----

It had taken a few days of numbly living with Nat before she was fully rested and emotionally stable enough to have a proper conversation about the events surrounding Dabi's death. It was eleven in the morning on a Thursday. "Fuckin, ugh." The only reason Spinel knew it was Thursday was because two days ago was the day she would have taken her provision license exam -if she still went to UA that is. Spinel stretched and stumbled off the couch. On the table there was a note under a glass of water and painkillers.



Also, can you pick up my order of ink? Today or tmrw is fine. Just get it. I'm running low.

Here is the address. (Address Here)



Nat's handwriting is as beautiful as ever. Spinel looked down at herself. She still looked ok, albeit her clothes were a little wrinkled but that was fine. She looked at Dabi's jacket and contemplated on wearing it or not. It was far too edgy to wear in public. But at the same time, it was fireproof and it's not like she was going into 'hero territory' any time soon. The previously long dark blue jacket was now a charred grey black color, the metal accents on the cuffs of the sleeves were the same polished silver as always. Spinel decided to take the jacket as she slipped it on. The sleeves that were meant to reach the wearer's elbows, reached up to Spinel's mid-forearm. The ripped hem on the bottom of the jacket was barely above the floor, thanks no small part to her new converses which gave her a little extra height. "I really have grown huh?" It seemed so long ago when she first wore the jacket. It was much bigger on her back then.

Not even ten minutes into her walk she heard a familiar voice. "Oh my gosh! Bestie?! It's you!" The voice squealed as it rapidly grew louder.

Spinel turned around to Himiko as she was enveloped in a hug, Himiko's yellow cat like eyes danced with mischief. "I finally got to hug you again! I'm so happy!"

"Yep, sure did." Spinel wriggled out of Himiko's bone crushing hug. She gave her a pleasant smile, "How are you? Whatcha up to?"

Himiko held one of Spinel's hands in both of her own. "Super great now!" Himiko bounced up and down. "Oh! Come with me! Some people want to meet you." She started to pull on Spinel's hands. "Don't tell anyone, but I'm taking you to the super-secret new hideout." Himiko kept a tight hold of her so there was no way for Spinel to escape.

Instead of resisting, Spinel decided that she would get the ink tomorrow. Today she would have as pleasant a chat as she could with Himiko. The psychotic girl wasn't so bad once you got to know her. She was -and Spinel dare say – rather cute at times with her reactions.

"The two of them have been wanting to find you for a while." Himiko whispered like she was about to say something scandalous. "Apparently, for two years."

Spinel's eyes widened. Two years? Looking for me? N-no way, right? Fate wouldn't be that fucked up, would it?

Being a Hero was just a Side Job (Shinsou x OC)Where stories live. Discover now