"Bye Nick I love you too," Solange said.

"Bye Onika I love you," Bey said. That felt different from when she usually says it. It feels like there's a deeper meaning to it or something. I don't know, it's probably all in my head. I stand up from the table and start to head out. "Wait let me walk you out," Bey said. Solange looked like she was gonna slap her, but I agreed nonetheless.

"Ok thanks," I said. We walked outside to my car and she opened my door for me.

"If you change your mind about staying alone you can always come by my place," she said.

"Thanks I'll be sure to keep that in mind,"

"Goodnight Onika," she said as she closed my car door.

"Goodnight Beyoncé," I said, using her full name as well. She smiled and stepped back from the car so I could pull off. I waited for her to get back into the house before I pulled out of the driveway. Once I was inside I pulled off and started driving to my house.

I get to my house safely and go inside. Once again my parents aren't home. They probably won't be for at least a few weeks, but I try not to think about it. Ever since I got my license, they started coming home less and less. It was even worse once they realized I was getting good money from my job. They still pay the bills so I appreciate that, but their presence would be nice too.

I sit down in the living room and turn on a show to keep me occupied until I'm ready to go to bed. I keep thinking about going over to Bey's place. I really don't wanna spend another night alone. It's almost 10 o'clock now so she should still be awake.

I decided to just head to her house. Worst case scenario she doesn't answer and I'll have to go back home. The drive over is short since she only lives five minutes away from me. I always keep clothes and other stuff in my car so I don't bother packing anything. Plus I think she still has some of my stuff from when Solange and I would sleepover all the time.

I pulled up to her apartment complex, grabbed my bag from the back, and walked up the stairs to her door. I knocked three times and was met with Bey in a sports bra and basketball shorts. She always acts pretty feminine, but she has a masculine spirit on the low.

"Hi Onika," she said.

"Hi Bey," I said.

"You can come in," she said as she stepped back.

"Thanks," I said, walking in.

"How are you feeling?" she asked once I was inside.

"I'm starting to feel better. I realized that I'm better off without him. He was holding me back," I said.

"Well I'm glad you figured that out. He was never good enough for you," she said. She said the second part under her breath, but I still heard her.

She's always thought no guy was good enough for me. I haven't been with that many guys, but still. I guess she just wants the best for me, but I don't really know what the best is. I mean don't get me wrong she's amazing I just don't have a chance with her. She's always just seen me as her little sister's best friend. We have gotten a lot closer over the past few years though. Ever since her senior year it felt like she saw me in a different light. Like I wasn't just some little girl. We even started to hang out one on one a lot more. She's become really special to me.

"Onika," she called out to me.

"Yeah sorry. What did you say?" I asked.

"I was asking you if you were alright, you seemed really deep in thought,"

"Oh yeah I'm good,"

"You sure?"

"Yeah I'm good,"

"Ok well do you wanna watch a movie or something?"

"Yeah, a movie's cool,"

"Alright come on let's go to my room,"

"Your room?"

"Yeah I mean unless that's not okay with you,"

"It's fine. I've just never stayed in there for that long before,"

"Well today's different,"

"What's different about it?"

"Nothing, just come on," she said. We walked back to her room. "Do you wanna change before I put on a movie?"

"Yeah, can I borrow a shirt and some shorts?"

"Yeah I gotchu," she said, walking over to her dresser. She pulled out one of her big t-shirts and got out a pair of basketball shorts like she was wearing. I figured some of my clothes from when I stayed over before were around here somewhere, but I'd rather wear her clothes. She always smelled like vanilla. "Here you go. I'll step out so you can change," she said, handing me the clothes.

"You don't have to leave, I mean it is your room. You can just turn around, I won't take long,"

"Oh ok,"

Once she was turned around I started taking off the clothes I came in. I put on her shorts and t-shirt. "You can turn around now,"

"You sure," she said, turning around with her eyes covered.

"Girl, uncover your eyes. I'm done," I said, laughing.


She uncovered her eyes and smiled once she saw me. I smiled back and she walked towards her bed to lay down.

"Do you want any snacks or anything?"

"No, I'm alright. I'll probably fall asleep soon,"

"You sure baby?"

"Baby? Where'd that come from?" I asked. I know she did not just call me baby. What is going on?

"Oh uh sorry I didn't mean to,"

No, don't take it back. Ugh I shouldn't have said anything. I wanna be her baby.

"Oh ok. I mean you can call me that if you want honey," I said. I don't know what's got me acting all bold right now, but Imma just go with it.

"Ok maybe I will,"

Damn I didn't expect her to match my energy. This is gonna be a long night.

I hope y'all like this so far. I wanted to try formatting it differently than my other stories so let me know how y'all feel about it.

Thoughts on Bey?

Thoughts on Nicki?

What do you think will happen next?

Like and comment please <3

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