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He felt softness at first. Beneath his palms, the soft earth, a bit of moisture as well, along with grass.

They were not the spiky, painful kind. They were just soft. Like those grass on animation films, and he would imagine them feeling soft as this.

The earth was firm, but it was soft too, when he pushed the pads of his fingers to get a feel of where he was. They sunk and moved, and he revelled in the feeling of the way his warm fingers buried into the cool earth, not an ounce of disgust in him when he felt some sand trap under his nails.

His body felt cool, like under a shade on a warm day. And he could see wisps of light fractions behind his eyelids, which gave him the idea of sunlight. He was somewhere, under a shade, with sunlight.

A cool breeze blew, and that was when he opened his eyes.

And what Namjoon saw first, were trees. Big trees. Huge ones, towering over him, their leaves and branches overlapping one another as they swished in the cool wind. He watched, marvelled, at the was the sunlight peeked through those little gaps, shining directly into his vision and quickly moving away as fast as it came. 

His eyes trailed then, onto the branches and trunks, and he picked out the way the moss ran up, down and all around them like veins, breathing life into the dull browns. There were ferns nestled onto certain areas of the trees, their hanging vines and long leaves swaying slightly as another breeze blew through.

The sunlight looked absolutely beautiful and golden, their rays appearing and disappearing, ripples of sunlight dancing around the forest meadow as it gave life to the living things beneath the trees.

He took in a deep breath, savouring how fresh and clean the air smelt, and pushed himself on his elbows then.

He sat himself up, crossing his legs for stability as he took in the sight of where he was.

A forest.

It looked and felt like it was morning.

It looked and felt... magical. Like he was in some fantasy forest, and in a moment, a fairy might pop up from behind a tree, or maybe that flower by his hand.

A movement caught his eye, and he turned his head to the right, hoping it was a fairy, but instead spotting a bird by a rock under another tree.

The bird looked extremely exotic, like a little peacock, only its tail was shorter, like a parrot's. It had the most beautiful teal shine, and as sunlight reflected on it, Joon watched how those green feathers turns a nice shade of cerulean blue. 

 The bird had a crest on its crown, teal and blue, which spiralled into a nice, muted gold, which does shine under the sunlight too. Its legs were what he thought was brown, since it was not all that visible, until it moved, and he saw specks of red and gold.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2021 ⏰

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