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As I was driving home I was looking for flights home today. There was nothing until tomorrow

Y - fuck fuck fuck

I got home and quickly ran upstairs to my room. I started packing everything then I went back downstairs

M - y/n?

Y - mom I'm leaving

M - what? Where?

Y - back to LA

M - honey your flight isn't until tomorrow

Y - Jazz is sick and Alex took her to the ER I have to go

M - how

Y - I'm driving

M - y/n thats 6 hours no

Y - I can drive that

M - I know Alex wouldn't want you to

Y - I don't care I'm leaving

I walked out and she chased after me


I made eye contact with her as I got into my car. I started it then quickly drove off before she could stop me. I connected my phone to my car then called Alex


A - finally what the fuck have you been doing

Y - Alex where are you

A - I'm at the hospital with Jazz they said they would have to keep her over night

I started tearing up

Y - is she ok like is she in pain or anything

A - no they gave her pain medicine and now she finally fell asleep

Y - what hospital are you at

A - the one by the colorful building

Y - ok I'll text you when I'm there

A - wait what?

Y - I'm driving right now

A - n-no y/n just wait until you can fly tomorrow it's 7 at night

Y - yeah and I'll be there at 3 in the morning instead of 10 at night tomorrow

A - y/n you need to sleep

Y - I'll be fine its not like I would be able to sleep knowing Jazz is in the hospital

A - *sighs* just be careful then and if you start to fall asleep face time me

Y - ok I will

A - bye I love you

Y - I love you too bye

I hung up then stopped at a gas station. I got red bulls, Takis, gum, and water then filled up my car. I got back in and started driving to LA on the toll road so that I won't get stuck in traffic. It was now 12 and I was very tired but the music was kinda helping. I made sure to blast it and put on my good playlist. I had made it into LA at 3:17 so I texted Alex asking him the room nunber and stuff. I pulled into the hospital valet parking then walked inside. I went up the elevator to the 4th floor and made sure the coast was clear before I started running to the room. I busted into the door and there was a nurse in there doing stuff with the machine while Alex was standing close to the crib they had Jazz in

Y - *catches breath*

A - y/n

Alex was in scrubs and had a hair thing on. He came up to me and hugged me

Nu - excuse me ma'am can you please put on those scrubs right there and the hair cap

I did that quickly

A - this is Jazzlyn's mom

Nu - hi nice to meet you

Y - how's she doing

I walked close to the crib and saw her hooked up to wires

Nu - oh she's doing perfect she fell asleep fast

All of this gave me flashbacks from when she was in the hospital for the first few weeks of her life. I started crying and Alex hugged me from behind

Nu - her temperature is dropping which is a good thing and she might be released tomorrow

Y - thats good

Nu - very now I will be on my way let us know if anything happens

A - ok thank you very much

Nu - your welcome

She walked out and I looked back at Jazzlyn then I turned to face Alex

Y - Alex I'm sorry I was being over reactive and a bitch to you I should've been checking my phone especially since you had Jazz

He grabbed my hand and kissed it

A - baby it's ok at least your here at 3 in the fucking morning

Y - *smiles* that was a long ass drive

A - yeah I bet

Y - and I spent 20 dollars on snacks and drinks I still have like 3 redbulls in my car

A - *laughs*

His laugh made me laugh

A - I'm guessing your not tired

Y - nope I can probably run around this whole hospital

He looked me up and down

A - why are you dressed up all sexy

Y - oh yeah I went to a random party with the girls and we matched then I saw Diego and I started drinking

A - you drank

Y - yup

A - then you drove over here? Thats so unsafe

Y - trust me reading those messages about Jazz sobered me the fuck up

He smiled then kissed me

A - *yawns* I'm tired

Y - is there a bed in here

A - a pull out couch but yeah I guess

Y - good enough

We set up the couch then laid down. He laid on top of me in between my legs and wrapped his arms around my waist. I played with his hair while scrolling through Insta until I got tired. I put my phone down and fell asleep. I woke up to crying but Alex was still asleep

Y - Alex

I rolled him off making him wake up then quickly walked to Jazz. I pulled her out of her crib

Y - it's ok princess mommy's here

I held her close and she stopped crying

A - *groans* what time is it

I turned on my watch and it said it was 7:29

Y - 7:30

He rubbed his eyes

A - do you got her

Y - yeah

He laid back down and fell asleep. I pulled a chair close and sat down with her in my arms. The moon was shining into our room and I could see it sparkle in her eyes. I kissed her forehead

Y - *whispers* I missed my baby

I tapped her lips with my finger and it made her smile. I loved her smile it's probably my favorite thing about her. She gets her big smile and dimples from Alex and it's so adorable. I admired her features for a bit then rocked her to sleep. I laid her in her crib and got back in bed with Alex


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