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Later that night we got to my house but decided to go to Sam's sleepover. I switched my heels for my uggs, got my stuff and Jazzlyn's in a backpack, then put it in Alex's truck. After saying bye we put Jazzlyn and Zelda in the truck then Alex started driving to Sam's house

Y - I'm still shocked at what happened today like my dad actually had the audacity to show up with his fucking boyfriend that he left us for an then he was telling me that I was disrespectful to talk to him that way like sorry for being a bitch to the person that just dipped without saying bye or nothing

I looked at Alex

A - we-

Y - and then he was telling me to be nice to his bitch ass boyfriend like why were they even there

A - I mean-

Y - I get that's his grandma but he got no business being there

A - ye-

Y - what about there fucking kid where was that thing at

A - ...

Y - I bet the kids is ugly as shit and not even half as cute as Jazz

A - ...

Y - I actually feel bad for my dad since he doesn't get to meet Jazz at all and why aren't you agreeing with me

A - because your not letting me talk

Y - oh sorry what were you gonna say

A - I don't remember

I held his hand

Y - well it's whatever like fuck my dad he could go fall off a cliff for all I care

A - thats a little dark but yeah

We got to Sam's house so I got down then got Jazz. Alex carried the bags while I carried Jazzlyn in her car seat and held Zeldas leash. I knocked on the door and Sam's mom opened it

Sm - Sam's mom

Sm - ooo yall look so cute

Y - thank you Ms. Partida

Sm - aww you brought the baby

Y - yes ma'am

Sm - oh and the dog

Y - she's very well behaved now

*flash back*

Zelda started running around Sam's living room


She stopped far from me then stared. She got in the position to poop

Y - don't you dare

She got lower

Y - zelda no

I looked her in the eyes until I saw her shit fall out


*end of flashback*

Sm - oh its umm...fine I guess...*smiles* come in

We walked past her and Sam came running out of her room with Lauren and Devyn

S - finally y'all are here

De - why do y'all look...hot

Y - we went to a funeral

L - so you dressed like your going clubbing

Y - yeah if you want to call it that

S - minus the shoes

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