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(Dont know why its blurry)

The song ended so Alex spinned me then we started walking back to the table

Y - *drinks water* I haven't done that in awhile

A - *smiles* me neither

Am - you guys looked so cute


Some lady came up to him and hugged him

? - you've grown so much you look so handsome

A - thank you Tia

She looked at me

? - who's this

A - this is y/n, y/n this is my tia

At - Alex's Tia

At - oh your so beautiful are you guys together

Y - *smiles* no we aren't

At - you guys danced so good together

Y - thank you I used to take classes

At - so your a dancer

Y - not as much as before but I still remember the moves

At - that's good

She turned back to Alex

At - pos aver Alex come dance with me

He looked at me

Y - I'll be fine you go

A - ok I'll be back

At - just real quick

They left so I sat down until harry came up to me

H - you and Alex still aren't together

Y - nope

H - are you planning to be

Y - maybe he's so sweet and kind

H - to you

Y - *shrugs*

H - do you wanna dance with me

Y - uh sure

He held his hand out so I grabbed it then we walked to the dance floor. He pulled me close and put his hand on my waist. It felt kinda weird at first but then I got used to it since he wasn't that bad of a dancer. We were dancing with our faces close to each other until there was a voice next to me

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