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After sitting on those couches for awhile I got tired

Y - *yawns* I'm sleepy

A - do you want to go lay down

Y - yeah

He moved my legs and got up

Y - here put my phone in your pocket

He did then held his hands out to pull me up. I grabbed onto him and he quickly yanked me up. We walked to our room and I laid across the bed. Alex looked at me so I picked up my legs

Y - take my shoes off

He smiled at me then untied them and pulled them off

A - are you gonna change

Y - just bring me my white shirt that has the cars on it from my bag

He left the room then came back with my bag. He took the shirt out and threw it at me

Y - thanks

I got up and pulled my dress down. Alex was staring at me as I put my shirt on

Y - *laughs* what the fuck do you want

A - nothing your just so beautiful

He walked up to me and pulled me close by my waist. He kissed me then went down to my neck

Y - I missed your touch

A - I missed yours

He went down to my chest and I played with his hair. He went back up to my lips then pulled back and looked into my eyes so I looked into his and smiled

Y - why did you stop

A - because I know what will happen

Y - nothing will happen

He let out a small laugh and picked me up by my thighs making me giggle. He sat on the bed with me on him and we started kissing again. He put his hands down to my ass and left them there. I started making hickies on his neck and I could hear him moaning. I started grinding on him and he was pulling me close by my hips. I felt his (shlong) rise under me and it felt good. I moaned softly in his ear

A - fuck baby girl

I picked up the pace but then slowed down a bit and kissed him. He laid back and we started making out. I felt a pain in my stomach so I sat up and held it

Y - ow fuck

A - *sits up* what

I felt the baby moving in my stomach like it was trying to get out

Y - the baby is moving

He put his hand on my stomach

A - I don't feel it

I moved his hand to the spot and held it there

A - oh my god what the fuck can you feel it inside

Y - mhm

I closed my eyes because it hurt. Eventually it stopped and I got off of Alex. I laid across the bed next to him

A - are you ok

Y - yeah

A - do you want anything

Y - no

A - *baby voice* are you hungry

Y - *laughs* why do you talk like that

A - because your my baby

Y - *smiles*

He kissed me

Y - yes I am hungry

A - what do you want to eat

Y - I don't know

A - I lowkey want ramen noodles

Y - what kind do you have

A - chicken, hot and spicy chicken, lime chili chicken, picante beef, and cheese

Y - fine I'll get ramen noodles too

He got up and helped me up then we walked downstairs. I sat on a stool

A - which one do you want

Y - *spins on chair* lime chili chicken

A - bet I'll get that one too

He got them from the cabinet then put water in them. He put them in the microwave and started it

Y - *spins* your not supposed to put Styrofoam in the microwave because it will melt and make a mess

A - that has never happened to me in my life

Y - whatever

I watched him wash his hands then he grabbed the sprayer and sprayed water at me real quick. I covered myself


A - *laughs*


A - or else what

Y - I won't talk to you

A - oh really

I turned away from him

A - baby

He walked in front of me

A - fine I'm sorry

I looked away and smiled


He grabbed me by my neck and made me look at him

A - I'm sorry

I started smiling

A - your smiling

I stopped smiling and the microwave beeped. He tried to kiss me but I kept pulling away

A - give me a fucking kiss

He kept trying to kiss me and I laughed

A - you know what fine I won't give you a kiss

He walked to the microwave and I watched as he took them out. He got a lime from the fridge and cut it. He squeezed it into both of ours then put forks and gave me one

A - your lucky I'm nice and I love you

He was about to walk past me but I grabbed his hand and pulled him back. He stood in between my legs and put his cup down

Y - I love you too

I put my hand on the back of his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. We started making out but I pulled back

Y - your gonna have to wait

A - baby my little peter keeps going up and down

Y - *laughs* your little petter

A - yeah

He brushed my hair behind my ear

Y - I'm sorry but your gonna have to wait

A - ugh fine

He grabbed his cup and sat on the living room couch

A - we should watch a scary movie

Y - sure

I grabbed my noodles and sat on the couch next to him. He put on a haunted house 2 even tho its not even scary eventually we finished and I felt Alex's hand on my thigh


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