Chapter 𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣

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Dynera (Die) Ericks
Physics Class
9:40 a.m.

"Damn, she even sitting alone," Nina mumbled, nodding her head towards Londynn sitting alone up in the front.

"That's dumb," I frowned. "Nobody's tryna replace her." Enez looked uncomfortable as she glanced down at her phone. I leaned over, but she snatched it out of my view. A mixture of saltiness and curiosity brewed in my stomach. "What's up?"

"Lay off," Nina says under her breath. The smell of some sort of salty chips wafts from it. "No," I frown, suddenly feeling my anger begin to emerge. "I just wanna know why all my friends starting to act different. First Londynn and now you." Ever since we got to Physics class Enez's head had been in the clouds.

"Now ain't the time, Die," Nina warns me again, chin resting on her hand as she looks between Enez and I.

"Chill, Die," Enez grunts.

I stand up, slamming my hands down on the desks. "What's up wit y'all? Why can't y'all just act normal, huh?"

"Maybe if you could quit budding in people's business-

"You are my business, Enez," I argue back.

Londynn only looks back and smirks, shaking her head at me.

I start towards her but Nina grabs me by the arms and pulls me back. "Dynera, you don't wanna do no shit that you'll regret, fam," she whispers.

"I do. I really do," I say, laughing crazily.

I'm pissed off and I want straight answers. Not everybody finna be in they feelings on the same day.

Something gots to give!

"It's about back home," Enez tells me lowly, irritation clear on her face. I immediately feel bad for pressing her about everything, but she grabs what few things she brought for school and walks out of class.

"I can't take this. Everybody is getting wrote up," Mrs. Singapore huffs.

"Good job, Dynera," Londynn says in a taunting tone from across the class, then lays her head down, on FaceTime with the purple-haired bitch.

I follow after Enez despite Mrs. Singapore's protests and Nina follows after me. "I'm convinced that girl is tryna get Londynn to side with her," Nina states. "She's tearing us all apart and I won't let that shit happen."

"You wanna jump her?" I ask lowly.

Nina only smirks and says, "Ahh, the good one turned bad, huh?"

We find Enez in the bathroom her and I made out in. Coming back in here seems like I'm walking into a whole 'nother universe, but in reality the only hole in here is in the toilet.

I sort of expected to walk in on Enez crying or even hurting herself...but she was typing angrily at her telephone, tears glimmering in her beautiful brown eyes.

"What's wrong?" Nina asks.

Is it my place to tell Nina all that's going on?

I decide no, and place a hand on Nina's shoulder, watching Enez pace around in the bathroom until she notices us.

"What?" she snaps at us.

I ignore her tone and hug her.

"What happened?"

"They're looking for us and I think they know where we are, Die," she tells me frantically. "Who?" Nina asks, but I'm focused on what Enez is telling me. "My best friend Asia from Baltimore knows a lot of people and relays shit going on in the streets back home to me," Enez informs us.

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