Chapter 𝙏𝙬𝙚𝙡𝙫𝙚

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Dynera (Die) Ericks
Die's House
7:15 a.m.

"Die! Why are you not awake yet? You're gonna be late!" my mother yells from her bedroom. I feel like I haven't slept at all since I kissed Enez in the car and like I had been floating on air since Enez and I made out in the bathroom.

Ahh, the perfect place to commence a sort-of-not-relationship. Ass fumes and strong perfume wafting around you. The high school bathroom.

I drag myself out of bed despite wanting to spend the rest of my day thinking too hard about Enez and I. I don't have time to shower- I know that already. I get a towel and some soap and clean my essentials, wash my face, brush my teeth, then throw on a pre-made outfit I had sitting in the back of my closest for late days like this.

I sent Enez a text that I might be a little late to first period, then I jog downstairs. My mom practically throws a warmed-up frozen breakfast biscuit at me along with a lunch kit. I don't have time to wonder why she started packing me lunch, because then we're out the door. I wiggle around, somewhat annoyed that I started my period this morning. I hope Enez didn't try to grab my ass or nothing only to feel a piece of plastic and cotton blocking her advances.

The period panties I wore underneath my boxers felt colder compared to my Ethika's. I pouted my way to school but felt okay enough to peck my mother on the cheek before I got out. Luckily the first bell had barely rung as I got onto campus, so I had no worries of being late. Enez text me that her, Nina, and Londynn were standing by the cafeteria.

I met up with them and sensed their air of excitement as I chewed on my breakfast. "Die got a boo boo," they sung, Nina erupting into laughter. I rolled my eyes, moving past them to shyly stand besides Enez. Damn, she had to tell them this soon? What if I had changed my mind or something else?

"So y'all just fucking or what?" Nina asks with a smirk. Londynn seems absorbed back into her phone and Enez is looking at me like I was going to answer all these questions. "We ain't fucked yet," I laugh, "but nahh, it ain't a relationship."

"Told you she was gon get wit Enez," Londynn murmured, typing away on her phone.

"Whatever. We shoulda made a bet," Nina rolled her eyes.

"Y'all weird," Enez laughed, casually draping her arm over my shoulder. "Nahh you weird. You already told them," I look back at her, rolling my eyes. She pinched my arm lightly, pouting at me.

"You mad at me?"

I ignore her and glance at the time on my phone. "We gon be late, and they already starting on tardies. C'mon let's go."

"We should all hang out after school some time," Enez suggests out of nowhere. I remember that I told her about not wanting Londynn to feel left out. I glance over at her but she's still too absorbed in her phone. Lately it seemed like she was texting that purple haired chick too much.

"Where yo shorty at?" I ask Nina.

"Which one?" she smirks.

"You ain't shit," Enez laughs, and I join along.

"Hey, just enjoying my youth," she shrugs.

"But where should we hang?" I then ask Enez.

"The mall?" Nina suggests.

Enez seems to freeze for a moment, then laughs awkwardly. "What about the skating rink? Or like...a park? We should just chill, eat, and get to know each other."

"I'll bring the...entertainment and refreshments," Nina grins. That gets Londynn looking up. "What you bringing, Heat?" she asks.

"How about we keep this get together clean? I'm trying stay off some stuff that I've been on a while," Enez suggests meekly.

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