thirty two

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author: lmao i lied it's not the epilogue. it was supposed to be, but as i was writing i realized it was way too long, even for my standards. so i had to cut it in half so enjoy this!



as much as it pained her to do so, she had to do what was right. the moment her boyfriend left the hotel room she trotted towards her bed before burying her face in her pillows. she didn't want to do it, he was her soulmate, but it was the right thing to do.

her dad died, justin was leaving, her mother was dealing with enough. mentally, lauren knew she wasn't okay. she knew that jaeden would wholeheartedly be there for her, one call and he'd be taking the next flight to see her. but his career was taking off, and she didn't want to get in the way of that. and she was hurting him, and she didn't want to hurt him anymore.

she knew deep down, that she needed his arms around her, she needed to be in his arms and just lay with him because those were some of the only times she felt at peace. but it was for the best, for both of them.

hot tears coursed down the blonde's cheeks, her porcelain face turning into a light a shade of red as she sobbed quietly into her pillow. her fingers clutched onto her comforter bringing it up to her face to muffle her sobs.

she was thinking of calling justin or mer, but those two would come pick her up faster than light if they even heard her crying, they had too much on their plate. and she had to get used to being without them. mer was thinking of running off to san diego for a few weeks, lauren was going to be alone and she had to get used to that.

suddenly her upper-body felt warm, sweat began to roll down her face despite the room being air conditioned, feeling something building up in her throat, lauren quickly hopped off her bed, sprinting towards the bathroom before hunching over the toilet to purge (not forcefully) the same way she had been for the past few mornings.

after doing so, she wiped her lips before sighing heavily. the blonde felt her back hit the cold marble wall, sliding down it to fold her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around her legs. she checked her phone for the time, also catching sight of the date. the blonde pinched her eyebrows together, doing the math in her head.

her period was late — way too late.



jaeden didn't know where to go. he sat outside lauren's hotel, in the rain, for an hour, waiting for a phone call from her. maybe she would change her mind, or tell him she was pranking him. he didn't want to believe that she had actually done it. but she never came out, never called or texted. and so he figured he would take an uber home.

but he didn't.

instead of telling the driver to take him to his airbnb, he gave him an entirely different address. and so after a fifteen minute drive, jaeden found himself at the doorstep of sateen besson's apartment.

he rang the doorbell twice, turning around as he watched the rain pour, anguish striking his heart as the events of a couple hours ago replayed in his mind like a broken record.

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