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// nsfw ish nothing graphic tbh they just joke about stuff but like jic

ON THE DAY OF THE winter formal, lauren still didn't have a date. she decided not to go because all her friends had dates and she was going to be left alone, she even prepared a whole watchlist of documentaries she was going to watch that night. the school dance didn't matter much to her, she figured she could just wear the dress and shoes elsewhere, there were going to be other events. she was basically resigned to the fact that she was going to spend one of the biggest nights of the school year in her room alone watching stories about people getting murdered.

the blonde was resting peacefully on her bed, scrolling through her watchlist for the documentary she wanted, once she found the one that intrigued her the most, she got settled in, taking the bag of chips on her night stand before opening it then pressing play on the documentary.

but not even ten minutes in...

"get up" ordered justin, barging into his sister's room and turning on the lights


"get up! it's friday night and it's the winter formal! one of the best nights of junior year!" he exclaimed, shuffling towards her closet before opening it, looking for the dress he knew she wanted to wear tonight

"best night if you have a date. or if you go with your friends. all my friends have dates, hell even bella agreed to go with lucas. where am i supposed to go when they all decide to leave me because they wanna fuck huh? get out!"

"no, just get dressed! i didn't have a date but i still had fun"

"well that's because you performed and got laid."

"shut up. look you look — pathetic, i feel sorry for you, it's one of those things you're going to look back at when your older and say you wish you did it or something. so get up it's the only night of the school year when you can drink on campus and the teachers don't care! and here you are at home in your pajamas, wearing mismatched socks stuffing your face with junk food while watching hour long documentaries about murder"

"i don't care! plus this one's interesting! it's about murders at a performing arts boarding school! they were just getting to the first death" she argued, rolling her eyes at her brother before pressing play again

"why are you interested in murder?"

"inspiration for what i'm gonna do when i graduate high school"

"well thank god i'm moving out in the summer"

"mm but i will find you"

"no seriously though why do you like watching gory shit like this? and hurry we up you're gonna be late!"

"i don't wanna go!"



derek and meredith holland came rushing into their daughter's room, having not heard lauren and justin like this fight in a very long time, they figured this might have been important.

"what's wrong?" asked derek, leaning on the doorframe while standing next to his wife

"your daughter's planning to murder us! tell her to get off her ass and go to the winter formal!" justin exclaimed, looking at meredith. seeing as he was a huge mama's boy (not as much as jaeden but still) mer would probably be at his side.

and if justin was his mom's favorite, then it's kinda obvious who derek's favorite would be.

"no! dad tell justin to stop bothering me! i don't wanna go it'll be boring!"

what are the odds? | j. martellحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن