28 : ̗̀➛ choose

336 11 15

"I don't want to." Y/n said, their words muffled by their pillow.
Giyu groaned, pulling on their arm.
"Cheer up already! Our friends and I put in a lot of effort, especially Mitsuri. You wouldn't wanna make her sad, right?" He asked.
Y/n remained silent, hugging their pillow tighter.
"We'll have your favorite food." Giyu said, a smug smile on his face.
Y/n quickly sat up, glaring at him.
"I hate you," They mumbled.
"Who's gonna be there anyway?" They asked.
"Our friends, some people from our school, including Shinobu and Sabito."

Y/n stiffened.
"Yknow....I think I'll pass-" They began.
"Look, we're going to expose Shinobu for everything she's done and Sabito also plans on talking to you." Giyu cut them off.
Y/n grumbled.
"Alright, fine." They said.
Giyu smiled, "Great, now get ready. It'll be at Sabito's place."


It was only about 8 in the morning and Sabito was already close to passing out. He'd called the person he'd been seeing for some time, Kaoru, and told them he wasn't ready for a full committed relationship. Not yet, at least. He hadn't fully gotten over Y/n and he'd realized that by trying to get over them, he was using Kaoru. Something about that just didn't sit right with him, both Kaoru and Y/n deserved better in his opinion. He'd been selfish, so damn selfish that he'd just realized he was hurting two people at the same time.

Naturally, Kaoru asked why despite being told the reason already. They were just too heartbroken. They'd began to cry over the phone, asking and begging for another chance, they promised Sabito that they'd be better. Hell, they even promised to be more like Y/n if that would make him stay. Sabito felt horrible.
"You can't just- You shouldn't change yourself for someone, Kaoru! Especially not me. So please, get over me, find someone better." Sabito had scolded them.
Kaoru had sobbed harder.
"I can't- I'm not going to find anyone better than you! Please, give me another chance, that's all I ask! Stay with me, please....I'm just- so in love with you, you don't understand-"
Sabito let out another sigh.
"I need to resolve my feelings. It wouldn't be fair to you or me if I stayed with you if my feelings weren't genuine. So please, make this easier for the both of us and let me go." He said.
With that, the call ended.


The house was bustling with chatter, music, and all around a cacophony of sounds. It was quite overwhelming to Y/n. They entered the home, one they'd been to quite often. But now it just seemed so...unfamiliar. They took a step forward, their hair brushed nicely, a nice outfit on, they looked around the home filled with students they'd seen around campus.

Y/n walked until they could finally spot the familiar spot of pink hair, they could never miss it. Y/n rapidly walked over, letting out a sigh of relief when they saw Mitsuri as well as the rest of their friends besides Giyu and Sabito.
"Hey guys." They smiled.
"You made it!" Mitsuri smiled, pulling them into a hug, one they returned back just as happily.

"Where are the other 2?" They asked.
"Tomioka and Sabito? Who knows." Rengoku said, shrugging.
Y/n sighed, their hands beginning to sweat due to anxiety. At some point in the party, Y/n noticed a large group of guests gathering around. They got up and went to look at what was going on, the rest of their friends going as well. Giyu and Sabito weere there.
"When did they get here?" Y/n thought to themselves.
It appeared that they were talking to the crowd, seemingly about to reveal something big.

"Hello! Thank you guys for coming, we appreciate it." Sabito spoke, a small smile on his face.
"While we don't mind you all having fun, there's something we would like to say. That something involves our dear classmate, Kocho-san." Giyu said, pointing at a surprised Shinobu amongst the crowd.
"Me? What could you possibly have to say? Oh, is this about me breaking up with yo-"
"Be quiet. We're not done talking." Sabito interrupted her with a glare.
Shinobu got visibly angry, beginning to point at him.
"Who do you think you are to tell me to be quiet?!" She yelled.
"Anyway, ignore her thank you," Giyu said.
"We've gathered a bit of...information, we'd like to show all of you." He continues.
"Yep." Sabito mumbles, walking toward the light and turning it off.
Giyu turns on a projector, a slideshow is shown. Everyone whispers amongst themselves, not sure what to expect exactly.

Suddenly, Giyu changes slides. A picture of numerous texts between him and Shinobu, he goes on to the next slide, a video of Shinobu dumping a bucket of water over someone in a bathroom stall presumably at school, the next slide then shows more texts between Shinobu and another one of her unfortunate victims. So on and so forth, everything becomes worse and worse and Shinobu's true nature is revealed.

Her face feels hot in embarrassment. She tries to run away but is stopped by some of her classmates.
"You're not going anywhere."
"You're disgusting."
"What a bitch...."
Shinobu lets out a shriek, tears profusely sliding down her face. She manages to push her way through the crowd and leaves the place in a hurry.
Her friends stare in awe at what they see. They find out that she'd also been talking about them behind their backs. They decide not to go after her.

The party goes back to normal after a few hours, Shinobu not having much of an impact. Y/n sighs, looking down at the drink they'd gotten. They look up to see Giyu and Sabito talking in a corner, it looked important. After a few minutes, they feel as though the room is getting cramped and decide to step outside and get some fresh air. Jeez, they didn't realize how exhausted they felt. They also realize they should've brought a jacket with them.

Y/n shivers, they wrap their arms around themselves, being careful not to drop their cup. Suddenly, they feel a sweater being draped over their shoulders. They look up and see Sabito. Y/n quickly looks back down, not expecting to see him.
"Hey..." He says.
"Hi." Y/n replies.
Sabito doesn't say anything for a few minutes, feeling anxious and nervous.

"I'm sorry." He says.
"Okay..." Y/n replies.
"Really, I am. I had no excuse for lashing out at you." He says guiltily.
"It's fine. I forgive you." Y/n mumbles.
Sabito looks over at them, noticing tears slowly forming in their eyes. He places a gentle hand on their shoulder, slowly pulling them in for a hug but also giving them some time in case they didn't want to. Y/n doesn't move away though, they lean in, wrapping their own arms around him. Soft sniffles fill the air, Sabito feels terrible. He rubs Y/n's back in an attempt to comfort them. It seems to work.

"You deserve so much better. I really, really, really don't deserve you. You've been nothing but a great friend to me and everyone else and I repay you by lashing out at you. I'm so sorry," Sabito says, his own tears beginning to slide down his face.
"You don't have to accept my apology but I'd love it if you did. I'm so sorry, Y/n. I love you...so much and it just hurts sometimes...." He continues, beginning to get carried away.
"You...you what?" Y/n asks, shocked and they pull away to look at Sabito.

"I- fuck I didn't mean to say that..." Sabito says, his face growing increasingly redder by the minute.
Y/n smiles.
"You love me?" They ask.
Sabito gawks at them before yelling out, "No! No I don't, I swear!"
Y/n frowns teasingly.
"You don't...?"
"I mean- yes I do but not romantically- you know- I just- fuck!" Sabito curses.
Y/n chuckles.
"It's fine, don't worry." They say.

Sabito takes a deep breath before getting a hold of Y/n's hands and holding them in his own.
"I was being serious, though. I love you, I do. I've loved you since the day I met you, back when we were kids." Sabito confesses.
Y/n looks at him with wide eyes.
"You do...? Why did you never tell me?" They ask.
"I just...I didn't think you felt the same." Sabito smiles sadly.

Y/n stares at him, not saying a word which worries Sabito. He pulls his hands away, walking backward.
"I knew I shouldn't have said anything. I'm sorry, just forget anything I said, please." Sabito says, beginning to open the door again.
Y/n grabs his arm, pulling him back.
"Wait, I just....I still need to process this..." They mumble.

After a while, they take a deep breath and look at Sabito. This was it. This was where they came to terms with their feelings.

Just who did Y/n love?

To Be Continued

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