24 : ̗̀➛ redemption arc

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Y/n quickly got themselves ready, getting up from their place on their bed and heading out

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Y/n quickly got themselves ready, getting up from their place on their bed and heading out. It was Saturday meaning they didn't have school, only a few assignments they had to do to catch up. On their way to the park, they wondered why Sabito would need them to go to the park. Was something wrong? Did something happen? Was he okay?

Finally, they arrived and sat down on a bench, not seeing Sabito anywhere. They looked around before sighing, pulling out their phone to tell Sabito they were there. Suddenly, someone walked up to them, standing in front of them. Y/n looked up curiously, their entire body freezing up when they saw Giyu standing in front of them.

"What- what do you want...?" They asked, no real hatred in their voice despite trying to sound like they hated him.
In truth, they didn't hate him, not at all. Far from it actually.

"Hey...can we talk?" Giyu asked.
Y/n hesitated. On one hand, they'd missed him so much, they just wanted to bask in his presence again. On the other hand, however, Y/n thought back on the countless nights in which they cried themselves to sleep, wondering what was wrong with them, wondering why Giyu had cheated on them, wondering why he just couldn't love them like they loved him. It hurt, it stung so terribly bad to think about it all.

Nonetheless, they mumbled a small, meek 'sure', allowing Giyu to sit next to them on the bench.
"How have you been?" He started, looking anywhere but at Y/n.
"That's good..." Giyu mumbled.

The pair looked away and stayed silent for some time before eventually Giyu spoke up again.
"I just wanted to tell you that...I'm sorry. I really am, I never meant for things to go so far. You've probably hear this countless times already but I only accepted your confession because I didn't want to hurt your feelings. You mean so much to me, you meant a lot to me then and you still mean a lot to me now. I just hope you can understand that I only wanted to do what was right for you." Giyu ranted.

Before he could continue on, Y/n spoke up.
"How would you know what was right for me? You made a big choice that would affect both of us, thinking you were doing the right thing for me and look at where we are now. I barely even know you anymore, Tomioka." Y/n looked at Giyu, tears in their eyes threatening to spill.

It was then that the gravity of his actions had finally and fully set in for Giyu. He had truly fucked up and he had to fix it. Just the sight of Y/n crying made his stomach twist and churn, making him uncomfortable and to make things worse, he was the cause of their tears.

"Fuck Y/n....I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry...you know I never meant to hurt you, I-I just wanted to- fuck, I just wanted to-" Giyu cut himself off with a choked out sob.
"Y/n...I love you, so much. I couldn't stand to see you get hurt, you have to believe me," Giyu grabbed a hold of Y/n's hands, holding their warm ones in his cold ones.
"I care for you, more than you think I do so please just...let me make things better, I want to prove myself to you. I can't bear not having you in my life anymore, it's pure torture."

Y/n stayed silent, not being able to come up with any sentences much less any words to say to the man in front of them.
"You say you love me but...how can you say that when you deliberately met with someone else behind my back, knowing full well that it would hurt me so fucking much when I found out...?" Y/n looked up at him, staring at his glossy eyes.
"I don't know if I can ever trust you again, as my friend or as my lover."

"I'll make it better. I'll fix things, I promise you. Just give me another chance, please, Y/n." Giyu said, letting out a shaky breath.
"You broke your promises once already, Tomioka. How do I know you won't break them again?"

Giyu stayed silent, staring at Y/n's own eyes. Those eyes he'd always loved, they suited them perfectly.
"I don't know...all I can do is promise you that I won't fuck up again. I swear I won't, you have my word." He said in a whisper, almost as if he raised his voice, Y/n would leave.

"Tomioka...I trusted you once already, I trusted you with my life. But you broke it, you broke my trust and it's taking everything in me to listen to you right now than to just leave," Y/n said, an exhausted sigh escaping them.
"I'm tired, Giyu. I'm so tired." They said, the eyebags under their eyes now becoming more clear.

"You won't be tired for much longer. If you'll just let me take care of you, I promise, you'll feel better, so much better," Giyu leaned in, his hands rubbing soothing circles on the back of Y/n's hands.
"I'll slave away for years if I have to, just to make you trust me again because I'm being honest when I say that I love you. I love you so incredibly much it makes me want to punch myself in the face for realizing it just now," For the first time in a while, Y/n had let out a small smile, Giyu missed it.

"Let yourself relax, darling. I promise I'll take care of everything, we'll all go back to normal, I promise." Giyu smiled, placing a quick kiss on Y/n's forehead.
"Okay, I'm holding you to it." Y/n smiled before leaning and fully embracing him.

They both had longed for this moment, it felt like home.

To Be Continued

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