The Diary

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Shreki POV

I saw a diary on my bed and I picked it up 🌚

I wrote my name in the diary and the diary replied with "wtf is that name-"
Why are people always saying my name is bad 😭😭😭😭

I then wrote "what's your name" and the diary replied back saying "Tom Riddle"

"Are you a Ravenclaw?" I asked the diary

"No, why tf would you think that" the diary replied

"Because your last name is Riddle lmao" I wrote in the diary

"Cringe" The diary said

"What's lmao anyways?" The diary asked

"I won't tell you hahahahahhaha"
😂😂 (a/n) don't ask why I used the laughing emoji



A diary on the table, which I think was the same diary I was writing in earlier started talking

"You are inside me" Said the diary
Oh really 😏😏

"Get me out of here" I told the diary

The diary transformed into this really hot guy 🙇🙇🙇🙇

"WHO ARE YOU?" I asked the guy

"Tell me what lmao is" said the guy

"Lmao is laughing my ass out" I answered

"What's ass?" He asked
Dumb chicken

I started twerking just like I learned from the troll

"Wtf are you doing-" He asked

"This is ass" I said

And them I farted on his face and ran away ✌✌

I got out of the diary and told N.H.D (nearly headless Dumbledore) all about the incident

"That story was very cringy specially when you started twerking- but thanks for saving us ig" Said Dumbledore

We were now sitting in the Great Hall waiting for food 👍

Then Dumbledore started 😒
"I would like to thank miss Shreki for her act of bravery and for saving us all from Mr. Tom Riddle who once was a small baka just like y'all"

And then Dumbledore took off his clothes and started fucking McGonagall

And McGonagall got infection because Dumbledore was dumb and didn't use protection so she died

Then we all ate Dumbledore because he caused our favorite professor to die

Now Snape is the headmaster

370 words 😍
The next chapter, one of us is gonna kiss Draco 👻👻

Hogwarts but it's with the Wattpad people Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang