The Sorting Ceremony

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I ate most of the sweets but there were still a lot left, ig the guy with the round glasses bought the whole trolley. No but that would be a lot of money-

Anyways, we got off the train and I saw a lake?

"I wanna swim in this lake" Emanuela said
Weirdo pftt

We sat in this old looking boat and it broke-
I pushed Emanuela and she fell into the lake. This bitch wanted to swim right? (a/n) #JUSTICEFOREMANUELA

But this red head, who I saw with the rich guy on the train pulled her out of the lake

(a/n) Ik only 3 people can sit in one boat but in this book we have an ULTRA SONIC PRO MAX TRILLION DOLLAR PUSSY BOAT in which 5 people can sit in once 😌😌

We were standing outside the great hall waiting for the doors to open until this one blond guy starts talking
"So it's true, what they were sayin' on the train? Harry pottah has come to Hogwarts."

Harry Pottah? HE HAS COME TO HOGWARTS?!! But who even is he?

"This is Crabbe, this is Goyle and I am Malfoy, Draco Malfoy" the guy started again

*time skip to when McGonagall interrupts Draco, because I am too lazy to write the whole thing*

The doors to the great hall opened and we all went inside waiting to get sorted. They started calling out names, but I was thinking about how Harry Potter is Hairy Potty 😋 (a/n) Apple_Ferreett istg this is all your fault

I then saw this scary teacher looking at Harry Potty? No potter, yeah it was potter.
"Who is that scary teacher?" I asked Izz

"I don't know" Izz replied

"Dumb bitch" I mumbled

"Who is that scary teacher?" I then asked Jade

"Idk but he kinda looks like Lord Farquaad" Jade said

"He kinda does tho"

I then went back to my thoughts about Hairy Potty 😌👌👌

That's until they called out Annelene's name. I hope that old crusty hat say's "THERE'S THE DOOR BITCH 👉🚪 GTFO"

"Do I really have to put this thing on my head? Have you ever washed it? I don't want somebody's lice on my hair. My head is too good for this hat" Annelene started
Ugh major Leo vibes
"Stfu and put it on your head" said McGonagall
"Fine" Annelene said
The hat started blabbering about Annelene's qualities bla bla bla
"SLYTHERIN!" the hat shouted

It was Emanuela's turn. She started flirting with the hat-
After a solid 10 minutes of Emanuela flirting, the hat shouted "SLYTHERIN!"

After a while Izz's name was called I hope she gets thrown into the Forbidden forest because its ✨forbidden✨
The hat started blabbering again and then finally shouted "SLYTHERIN!"

It was now Jade's turn and the hat as usual started blabbering and then shouted (Lmao I don't even know ministress_of_magic house so let's just say Slytherin)

"Shreki. Wait that's a weird name- nvm Shreki" called McGonagall

The hat shouted "SLYTHERIN!"
Are we all gonna be in Slytherin?

It was now my turn, I went up to the stool and sat on it the hat shouted, well you must've guessed "SLYTHERIN!"

We were all now in our dorm, yes we share a dorm because 🎶God's plan🎶
Shreki asked for some sweets and I said NO

"If you don't give me sweets then James Charles is gonna come meet you at night" Shreki started

"Who tf is James Charles" I asked

"You don't know James Charles?! *le gasp*" This was Annelene

"He's that guy who goes like HeY sIsTeRs" Emanuela said

"Oh isn't he the one who is like hEy SiStErS, jAmEs ChArlEs HeRe" asked Jade

"Yup he's that one" Shreki said

"Wait ik him" I said, he was that weird makeup artist

"Hide them underage kid's yall" Izz said

"But aren't we underage too?" I replied

We then continued our discussion about boogers which was interrupted in the morning

659 words 😍😍😍
This has to be my favorite chapter 💇 💩

Btw happy birthday to Apple_Ferreett ilysm <3

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