The Booger

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Jade POV

I woke up at 7:00 in the morning because I wasn't able to sleep, like how can someone sleep, knowing they'll be going to Hogwarts. Annelene and Emanuela were snoring, Shreki was moaning, Izz and Vee were groaning? Dijgasting
Anyways I went to take a shower and when I came out of the shower I saw a LARGE booger on my bed
I woke them all up and Emanuela ate the booger-
Istg that girl can literally eat anything. (a/n) 😌

We then started a really interesting discussion on boogers until that bitch, oop, I meant "mum" interrupted us.

We went to the kitchen and there was a booger for breakfast? Nah jk we had bread and milk. Once we all finished eating our food, mum started talking

"Come on now, do your dishes and get your bags so I could drop you at the station and finally get rid of y'all"

"Bitch why did you adopt us then?" Vee mumbled.

We went to our room, got our bags and sat in the car

Once we arrived at the station, mum kicked us out of the car-

"Um where do we go now?" Asked Shreki

"Idk" Annelene replied back

"I didn't expect you to know anyways" Shreki said

"Did you wake up at the wrong side of the bed today?" Asked Izz

"Not really" Shreki replied

"What's up with y'all can't you stay quite for a minute" Asked Emanuela

"What is that guy doing-" I asked.
The guy was running into a wall-

"He's gonna break a bone or two" Said Vee

"Should've bought some popcorn" Emanuela said

And the guy passes through the wall-

"What in the fuckity's sake" Izz said (a/n) LANGUAGE

"Looks kinda fun th-" Before I can finish my sentence, Emanuela and Annelene ran through the wall followed by Shreki, Izz and Vee

"You could've waited for me" I mumbled to myself
I ran through the wall just like they did and saw a train, well I boarded it because duh

I saw all 5 of them sitting in a compartment so I went in there too and sat on Annelene because I wanted the window seat :)

We saw a woman going around the whole train with a trolley full of sweets

"Food" said Emanuela and Vee
Ugh these bitches just think about food all day long
We didn't have any money because our mum is too much of an asshole to give us any money so we didn't buy anything, that's until Emanuela and Vee started fake crying about how they haven't eaten anything the whole YEAR and how bad they wanna eat the sweets

The woman was very kind and she gave us some sweets, Vee and Emanuela ate all of the sweets tho :')

Vee was still hungry and she saw a guy with round glasses buying sweets so she went into his compartment, snatched the sweets and came back to our compartment
This girl got some issues

(a/n) 520 words. Progress bitches 💪💪
This chapter was so boring lmao, but I promise the next chapter is gonna be better than this (not really)

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