14 - Burn it down

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Chapter 14

Was it my fault?

The question haunted my mind as I realized how how bad our situation was; Touya has someone controling his body, Oboro was turned back into Kurogiri and I have a pair of destructive hands wrapped around my throat.

Touya looked up at me. His body was in a position that can't be held for this long normally. But to change it he'd need control over it. His expression was undoubtedly mirroring mine, it mainly showed despair.

"Well well," The man behind me started, "Look at you now." His mouth came closer to my ear. "What are you gonna do now then?"

Suddenly, Touya winked.

Did he regain control over his face muscles? I blinked to make sure I was seeing it right, and his expression had definitely changed. The expression of pure despair make leeway for a forlorn smile. One that seemed to say "it's okay".

Did this mean he really wanted me to use that special technique I had practiced? But... I looked to reassess the situation. I would need to take out the puppeteer... I hadn't planned on murder. Not again.

And then... my face turned pale. Touya... could this really be the only way?

My eyes moved in their sockets, looking at the crowd that had gathered behind the shield. I saw a boy I recognized to be his little brother, and a white haired woman next to him. She fit the description of his mother.

They could've made up and Touya could've introduced me. I know that's what he would've wanted. They may not be a big happy family but at least Touya wouldn't have regrets.

I remember he told me he was curious about his siblings, and he wanted to taste his mom's cooking again. He spoke so fondly of them, even when he used to hate his family as Dabi.

Why did everything happen the way it did, it doesn't seem fair! If it hadn't been of the twisted string of fate, we could've- No, he could've..!

But fate is called as such, for it cannot be changed.

Nor can it be reversed.

I used my forcefield quirk to carefully make a case like structure around one of Shigaraki's fingers so my throat wasn't in direct danger. If I remember correctly he needs all five fingers to use his quirk.

Next the same quirk cut through my shoe. Now I could make it move in high speed to puppeteer and pierce his body to free Touya. This step is going to be unforgivable. Once I do this, all our fates will be sealed.

I took a deep breath. "What do you think yo-"

There goes nothing.

My quirk shot across the ground like bullet, straight for one of the last people I'd have to kill. As it arrived at it's destination, it changed direction to curve up and go through the shoe soles of the villain that had captured my dear friend.

It pierced his body like tree roots do to the soil, but in super high speed. As the Puppeteer fell, so did the army of controlled corpses behind him. It was just the four of us now.

"You really think you can just-" I felt his breath choke in shock as he realized I created a cap around his fifth finger.

I didn't give him time to use his other hand, because our plan wasn't finished. Rather, the worst and final part was about to happen.

The connection my quirk had created between me and the place puppeteer used to stand wasn't going to be used just to kill a villain. It was also near Touya, and to be used in part two of this plan.

I knew I had to be fast. "You had this coming." I spoke, out of breath for what I was about to do. Before Shigaraki could react to my rebellion against him, I used my special technique I had developed not too long ago.

Combining both of my quirks, and creating a whole new one. Touya stood on my forcefield quirk, which was connected to my foot.

I smiled at him for one last time, before everything went black. I felt Touya moving past me in the quirk cable I'd created . When I could see again, our places had been swapped. Touya was in Shigaraki's grasp, and I stood next to the corpse of a man I had killed less than 60 seconds ago.

It's up to you now, my dear Touya.

He turned to Shigaraki and wrapped his arms around the villain, enveloping him in a one sided hug. The light haired man's eyes widened, as did his mouth. He knew what was about to happen. It was inevitably obvious.

Yet within the millisecond before the brightest of lights, he made an attempt to a smirk. As if he mocked me, "I win. I may die but I'm taking your friend with me".

That's when I realized, the bright light coming from them was Touya's quirk, which he made as powerful as he could, burning through both of their flesh. The blue flames reminded me of the first time we met. Remember, in that alley?

They're still big and bright, lighting up the street, just like back then. But this time, the reason for these flames is different. The opposite, if you will. Saving us all in the most magnificent fire I'd ever seen.

I couldn't see your face, but I hoped you're finally able to cry the tears you so longed to let out.

I know I will be.

Published: 24/10/2021
"That's some bonfire indeed, I guess the mom in chapter 11 was right. Always listen to your mom, people." The author stated. "What do you mean I'm breaking the fourth wall?? There aren't any walls here, it's written on Word, you oaf!"
This chapter is a mess, I might rewrite it.
And uh... my apologies for... you know~
Omg I made a Genshin Impact reference and it fits in so well.

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