13 - Already gone

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Chapter 13


I turned to see the slender man rushing towards me. Touya?! What does he think he's doing!

"Stop!! You can't-!" I attempted to stop him from attacking the villain I'd only just managed to fall on the floor. To my surprise however, he enveloped me in a hug instead.

What is he thinking!? On the battle field of all places!!

"Listen carefully.." He started with a soft voice, "If things get really nasty, don't be afraid to use your special technique on me, okay?" My muscles tensed up beneath his solid grip. How does he know about it?

"N-no. Not you." I replied, unsure if it was clear enough to be audible. "I'd do- Duck!!" His voice changed as the purpose of his words did, which I followed to the letter.

I plunged to the ground and felt the heat from above me as Touya's quirk lit up the surroundings. Had Kurogiri come to attack me again?

I got back up as his flames stopped, and saw a new person had entered the battlefield. It was the same man who had used Toga's corpse as a puppet. I had intended to protect Touya as he had me, but the the purple portal dropped me off in front of Kurogiri.

"I don't wanna hur-" A punch hit my face from behind, soon after which I was punched in the back of the knee and lost my balance. I fell forward, but was soon met with a foot. I landed on my back.

I looked to the side. Touya seemed to have his own problems with this Puppeteer guy. I assume Puppeteer can control everyone he touches to a certain degree, huh? If only we had a powerful quirk like that on our side right now.

I wasn't going to win my own fight. Kurogiri was prepared to kill me, but I couldn't even get it over my heart to hurt him, much less end him. Even if those were my intentions, he's too mobile for my quirk to best him.

I placed my hand on the ground, and the familiar semi-transparent material spread out over the tiles. As it reached the Puppeteer, it encased his feet.

I got back on my feet, making sure to beware of Kurogiri behind me. Puppeteer noticed his feet were rendered immobile, and shock covered his face. But only for mere second. All too soon he turned to show me a wide grin on his face.

Oh no... had he already succeeded making Touya his puppet?

The raven haired man plunged towards me, so I took a step back.

Sometimes I wonder. If I had payed more attention, would things have been different? If I noticed the changes, if I'd been more careful. Could I've prevented Kurogiri coming back?

...Or was it fate?

Because fate, fate is a twisted thing. I realized as much when I felt a pair of hands wrap around my neck. They weren't tight, nor did they suggest I'd be strangled.

These hands were so much more scary than any of that.

Published: 07/10/2021
I was aiming to finish two chapters but I've been expecting Mercury being in retrograde (idek if it's real, but I have been behaving like a trashbag so let's assume it is) so the last chapter will take a bit longer, maybe Saturday
Also this one is kinda (way too) short, but I knew that when planning the chapters.
Also I'm thinking of getting into making cosplay costumes?? Seems like something I'd enjoy.

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