12 - Everything I wanted

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Chapter 12

Did they turn him back..? No, 'how did they turn him back' would be a better question.

My mind tried to find the answer to the question that swarmed my head, unbeknownst that it didn't possess it. There was no way Kurogiri was back. When Eri turned his body back in time each trace of Kurogiri should've been erased...

Yet there he was. Standing idle on the intersection, surrounded by faces of the past.

"You seem shocked." The hoarse voice tore through my train of thought. The sound was as uncomfortable to my ears as nails on a chalkboard. "I thought I gave you quite a good amount of hints." His posture didn't change to match his snarky words.

"I will always be his true master, and he will always-"

"What do you want from us, Shigaraki?" Touya stepped forward, cutting the villain's crude sentence off. Shigaraki took a step forward, which would've been a more dangerous position for him to be in if it weren't for his backup.

"To die, obviously." His voice croaked.

Without warning, a flare of light set off above us. It swiftly expanded until it formed a globe around the intersection we had halted on. Or maybe I should call it a shield, since it didn't seem like anyone could get in.

Is this a good time to start panicking?

There were people knocking on the other side, and I recognized them to be from UA. Even... Todoroki Shoto? His eyes screamed distress as he looked at the figure behind me, his brother.

I looked back at the pale haired man. Is he that blatantly unaware of the amount of lives he has ruined? And the lives he striped away for good?

My anger started to pile up, but I knew letting it out would be dangerous. However, that doesn't mean I'm capable to stop myself from attacking him.

I plunged forward, thinking I could end this string of murders with his. I sorely underestimated his power over Kurogiri as they swapped out at the last moment. I pulled back, not wanting to hurt the body inside the fog.

"I told you, I'm his master now." He stated. "Kurogiri," He addressed the purple creature, which stood unresponsive, "Kill her." Without giving Shigaraki confirmation, Kurogiri came charging at me, not holding back one bit.

I tried to shield myself with my quirk, but thanks to his portals, his fists could reach everywhere. There's little use in shielding yourself when your opponent can reach behind it.

"Narumi!" Touya yelled. He made an attempt to come over and help me, but I couldn't let him. I made a small shield, only enough to stop him in his tracks. "I can't let- ngh!" The air was punched from my lungs by another fist to the ribs, "..I can't let you sacrifice your future like this! Agh!!"

Unlike Touya, the punches didn't stop. I'm sure how long I can keep this up...

Touya's point of view:

What do I do? I should help her, but then why can't I move? It was just like that time in the alley, when Narumi and I went looking for Shigaraki.

A conversation with a man in the cell next to me popped into my head.

"It's because you think you don't deserve her, son." I hated it when people called me son. "What do you mean?" I got up from leaning against the wall to try and sneak a glimpse of the man on the other side, but he was too far away.

"You froze up right?" He repeated. "You're hesitant to take action because you feel unworthy. Maybe you did something in the past to hurt her and now you're wondering, 'who am I to try and protect her when I once hurt her too?'. It's hypocrisy, I've been there myself."

"That's not true!" I exclaimed a bit too loudly, "I  never hurt her." I continued with a softer voice. "Listen, I don't care if you did or didn't. I don't even know the lass you're talking about. But if you ask me, you think you did. You're convincing yourself you don't deserve to fight for her and it's holding you back,"

"Acknowledging this fact could help you overcome it, but in the end it's up to you whether you want to or not."

That stupid old man might've been right after all. And even though I like to think it's not true, I definitely hurt her. And not just her either.

There was a constant knocking sound on the shield behind me, and as I turned to look at it, I saw the awfully familiar red and white hair. I looked back at the fight between what I hated to admit were lovers, and back at my little brother.

"Don't do it!" It was an extremely soft sound, not much louder than the softest whisper, despite the fact that he looked like he was yelling off the top of his lungs.

The banging on the glass like surface continued, and his fists had started to appear white from the pressure. He was yelling other things, but I couldn't hear them. My ears were only picking up the grunts of pain made by the person I love most the whole world, and the punches she took from the one she loved.

I was about to move, embracing the fact that I did hurt her, but that I was going to make it right by sacrificing my own freedom. Before I could turn around, a new figure appeared on the other side of the shield.

Her white hair and grey eyes just as pretty as I remembered them from when I was little. Mom? I wished we could go back to that time, that she would console me and-

But I can't. Because I am here, and she's out there.

I mouthed but two words, before turning around and risking everything,

"I'm sorry."

Published: 26/09/2021
College is a lot. Pls send help.
I know I'm taking quite a while to finish this, and in all honesty I'm not really active in the BNHA fandom anymore so I'm losing interest I suppose. There's only a few more chapters so no worries, I'll definitely finish this book.
But anyways, it's here! Hehe... ^^'

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