day 6 barganing

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Josies pov

Me and lizzie hung out a bit and now it was getting closer to dinner and I was pretty hungry. I walk down to the cafeteria before getting a plate and having some food.

Things seemed lonely without hope but she honestly probably needed some space to be alone or something but I just wish it wasn't when I am litterly going to die in like 10 days.

I just hope she's ok and I hope dad figures out something soon because I'm starting to feel worse day by day and I just wished that hope was here to care for me.

My throat has been burning ever since I woke up and now I'm feeling pretty lightheaded. Maybe it's time to go to bed I think I need more rest.

Hopes pov

I did a little research about the hospitals and health care professionals in my area. I was in Chicago and it was alot colder than it was in Virginia. It was also pretty windy and kinda grey. I missed Josie quite a bit but it was fine.

I sign out of my room and grab my backpack and head to the place listed where the health care professional was.

It was a big building with alot of glass windows i walk inside and wait for the appointment that I booked for later that day I didn't know what to expect I was just hoping that I could find some sort of way to save Josie. She was my whole life I truly couldn't live without her my whole world revolves around Josie and I'm so scared that soon she won't be here with me.

But if I find something I will be able to spend the rest of my life with her we would get to live out our dreams of having kids and we would be very happy but then again I just have to wait.

Josies pov

I woke up the next day. For a second I fully forgot that I had no clue where my girlfriend was but then reality hit in and I remembered that I had no clue where she was and no way to even find her unless...

I go down to my dad's office and we talk for a minute and I asked him if he had any way that we could find Hope and he said that he had a plan since it was already more than a day since she left and I was getting really antsy.

He had some of the witches do a spell to find her and then a spell that what mean hope be able to talk together in a journal and see each other responses. This was really helpful it made me feel a little bit better that I'd at least get to talk to her and figure out what happened.

Hopes pov

The meeting with the professional went okay I guess but she said that there is not that much that we can do this obviously hurt because they wanted to save Josie but I mean maybe it's not the last stop I can make.

I could always keep on looking until I find something that could help I was really starting to miss Josie and I didn't know how much longer I could be without her.

I here a scratching noise from inside my bag. I was confused so I pull it out and I relised what Josie has done. She left a message saying she loves and misses me. The poor thing. I tell her I was ok and that I loved her too.

I got another hotel for the night and fell asleep.

Josies pov

I felt worse and tired and plus it felt like I been waiting for a response forever and it was starting to feel useless until I finally got a response. It made me really happy to know she was ok and it eased up alot of the anger that I had for her leaving without telling me.

Now I felt as if I was finally at peace with today and that I could get some shut eye before tomorrow. I get in bed and dose off


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