[17]My cousin becomes my playmate

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"So how long have you to been friends?"

Athanasia asked Athalia and the boy sleeping next to her, "We met when we were five but i mistook him for an 8-9 year old, he just kept on coming to the palace with his caretaker, so we got to know each other." Athalia smiled, 'Not The whole truth but not a whole lie either.'

"His caretaker?"

Athalia sighed, 'right not many people are allowed to just walk round the palace..', "Why don't you ask him yourself athy?"

Athanasia looked over at the sleeping boy, "He's weird, I tried having a conversation with him but he kept mistaking me for you so i just left him with Lucas." 'But he I guess he wasn't sleeping so, he probably thought I was Tilly cause we look so similar..' Athanasia thought.

"Which was a pain by the way!" Lucas mumbled, his was sat on his own in the middle of the library the 4 kids were in. He was back to reading his history book, that he loved to curse at.

"Yeah, I know he's weird." Athalia paused, "I've caught him sneaking into my room a ton of times during the night."

Athanasia stuttered, "How-" She stopped,  processing everything for a solid minute, but before she could say anything about what Athalia had said, Stephan had woken up.

"Jettie!" He said as he shot up.

"Not here Steph." Athalia patted his head as he sat up properly, "But Since your awake now can you explain why your here?"

Stephan groaned, "The old man wanted me to become one of the princess playmates, so he kidnapped me and took me here." Stephan yawned.

'Don't listen to the kidnap bit, hes being dramatic.'


Athanasia spoke up, "Who is your caretaker?"

Athalia hid herself behind her hands as Stephan spoke up, "His name is Roger something, I never bothered to know his name."

Athanasia's eyes sparkled with joy, "Thats where I've seen you from! The Alpheus household! I saw you..."

Athalia unhid herself watching as her sisters slowly started to realize, "Whats your full name?" Athanasia asked.

Stephan was about to answer but Athalia cut in, "Wait Athy what were you doing at the Alpheus mansion?" Athanasia looked like she was going to waist away any second, But she recovered and pointed over at Lucas who had finished his history book and was looking for another.

"Lucas? What about him." Athalia asked, at the sound of his name Lucas snapped his head around.

"He Sent me to the Alpheus house TWICE! and I had the most embarrassing experience.." Athalia blushed and shook her head repeatedly.

Athalia giggled, "I'm bored, lea give me something to do!" Stephan demanded slowly sliding himself of his chair and on to the floor.

"Oh yeah Stephan! Are you now my playmate?" Athalia asked ignoring his demand.

Stephan shook his head, "His majesty was very clear he didn't want any 'boys' near his little Princess."

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