[11] A Wish

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"Your Here?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. We bumped into Sir Roger outside." Felix stated, Athalia fiddled with Mr Bonbon as Athanasia stared at the golden thrown, "Mister white!" Athanasia giggled, still starting longingly at the golden thrown her father was seated on.


Athalia covered Mr bonbons ears, "He looked like a white doggie! Mr bonbon hates Doggies so Tilly covers Mr bonbons ears when Tilly talks about them!"

Claude covered his mouth and shook his head to the side, 'Did he just smile!'

"A becoming name for a constant barker." Claude them looked at Felix, Athalia clinging to his hand and Athanasia on his back, "You've become quite the babysitter."

Felix knelt down allowing Athanasia to get down, 'I think he thought it was a compliment..'


Athalia still held Felix's hand while hugging Mr Bonbon, Athanasia handed Felix her lolly and ran to admire the golden thrown. Claude stared at Athalia and Felix's hand while also paining attention the child next to him probably plotting to steal the thrown.

"That reminds me, Ive heard that Sir Roger has a son around the same age as the princess's." Felix  said still holding Athalia's hand, "Wouldn't he be a good friend for the princess's?"

Claude looked at Athanasia who flinched then to Athalia who let go of Felix's hand and started to walk over to her twin, Athanasia slowly turned her head over to Claude, "A-Athy will Have a new friend?" Athalia also smiled Brightly at Claude trying to please him,

Claude sighed, "...Its unpleasant to think about 3 kids running around the palace. I hate noise." Claude over at Felix, "And to think of a boy that looks like Roger Alpheus."

Claude got up from his seat and went over to the twins, Athanasia was to deep in thought to notice her and Athalia being picked up. Athalia squeaked when she dropped her Plushie on the floor, Athanasia at the sudden notice realized, "Your both really heavy."

Claude placed both Athanasia and Athalia in what looks like a resting place, Athalia was about to go get her plushie from the floor when she noticed it was gone, Athalia crawled to the edge of the small space. She poked her head trying to find Mr Bonbon, that was when she felt something being placed on her head, Mr Bonbon fell into her arms when she moved her head, she looked up to see Claude's hand hovering above her head, "Mr Bonbon was it? He will get dirty if you leave him on the floor."

Athalia smiled and hugged her plushie muttering a thank you to Claude, Claude picked her up once again but this time be didn't place her in the Area but he got in then laid her down next to him.

Athanasia who watched the whole thing was beyond confused on why Claude did that, "That song," Claude started, the twins knew he was speaking to Athanasia.


"You said it was a song to chase the bad dreams away."

"Ah! The lullaby song!" Athanasia forced a laugh looking at her sister for help,

'What do you want me to do.'

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