♕Chapter 51♕ Friend

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Edward watches Liam Jones II and Gretatalking

Edward watches Liam walk from her, he saw Witty iswatching her, Edward felt angry becauseWitty use to be his daughter boyfriend Greta watches Liam Jones II, walkingfrom him Greta notice Witty was watching her, she blushes red Witty said'It'sokay'

Edward watches Greta looked at him, he looked sad Greta watches Witty walk from her Edward saw Greta looking at him, hesmiles Edward saw she still looking at him, he did arm crossing Edward vanishinto the dark where she can't see himanymore Edward saw boy putting jacket onher he hears

'Don't you have a job to do?

Edward watches Greta looked at Baelfire, he shrugged, Greta saw his arms has scratches on them Greta let out a long sigh of despair Greta said

'You should take care of those'

Edward watches she grab his arm he said

'I rather not'

Edward watches Baelfire pull his arm from her she said

'Baelfire you will get sick'

Edward hears Baelfire's words

'I can take care of myself thankyou'

Edward watches boy walk from her, Edward saw another boy he has scar on his face he said

'What's that about?

Edward watches Greta shrugged Greta said

'I don't know how's your job'

Edward watches, she looked at Devin release his hands, she saw they had bandages Greta said

'Well looks like Baelfire isn't the only one whose not taking care of himself'

Edward watches Greta lean against the ship's wall Greta grabs onto Devin's hands, she saw small pieces of ropes inside Devin's hand Greta said

'This will hurt'

Edward watches Greta looked at Devin, he said

'I am used to it'

Edward watches Greta breath, she looked at boy's hands, they are red, Edward watches she click her finger, he saw blue flame on her hand Edward watches she places her left hand on his hands, he screams in pain she removes her hand, there were no small pieces of rope and no wounds

Edward watches she looked at Devin, he squeeze and release he looked at her Edward hears


Edward watches She click her finger , she watches her blue flame vanish Greta said

'You're welcome my friend'

Edward watches Greta saw Witty, he said

'You are amazing'

Edward watches Greta smiles Greta said


Edward watches Witty showing his hands to her, he hears Witty words

"Can you heal mine?

Edward watches Greta looked at him Greta said


Edward watches Greta healing Witty's hands, Witty looked at his hand he said


Edward watches Greta smiles, Greta said


Edward watches Greta click her finger, and blue flame vanishes, she did arm crossing Witty said

'So tell me about yourself how did you learn how to heal'

Edward watches Greta looked at him Greta said

'Well James taught me how to heal but that's in the past now'

Edward watches Witty looked at her, he looked at his hands, he nodded Greta looked at the dark sky, and she looked at Witty, he grins, and she grin too

Edward watches Witty and Greta watches the stars shine bright, Witty said

'See you tomorrow'

Edward watches Greta smiles, she said

'Yeah see you tomorrow Witty'

Edward 's flashback ends, he looked at her room

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