Chapter 7 Passport

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Greta watches as a whale swimming pass them, whale looked at them and swim away from them Greta watches as the man stirring Greta said

'How long you have you been here?

Amy looked at Greta, Amy said

'Well I was actually born here in our submarine'

Baelfire is shocked Baelfire said

'So you never been on the surface'

Amy nodded Amy said

'Yeah there's nothing much to see'

Greta looked at Amy Greta said

'Sure there is'

Amy tough Greta on her shoulder Amy said

'Greta don't worry about telling me about it this is my home'

Greta watches Baelfire and Devin, he watches as man holding onto the wheel, they walk through hallway Amy open the door Devin and Baelife, and Greta saw largest room never, it was dinning room, there are lines of tables and chairs, on the wall are computers and machines, Amy said

'So they eat and work'

Greta looked at Amy Greta said

'What about sleep?

Amy smiles Amy said


Greta watches people press on the button on their desk, and bed came out underneath the floor, and they all went to sleep or have a nap Amy turns to look at Baelfire and Devin Amy said

'Um Boys you should go to yours'

Greta looked confused Greta ask whyAmy looked at Greta, Amy said

'Well some of these people don't like boys'

Greta frowns Greta said

'My Friends can handle themselves'

Greta and Amy, Devin Baelfire hears


Greta watches Amy looked nervous, she turns Amy said


Greta saw man, he is wearing clothes like Amy Greta knew that man is Charlie, he looked scary he has a tattoo on his left eye Charlie said

'What have I told you to not show boys where we all work?

Charlie glares at Devin and Baelfire, they both hugged each other Amy said

' Sorry Step Dad'

Charlie glare at her Charlie said

'Don't call me that'

Charlie looked at Devin and Baelfire Charlie said

'What is your number boys?

Devin and Baelfire looked confused Devin ask


Charlie reach his hand Charlie ask

'You're number?

Amy step between Devin and Baelfire Amy said

'They are new?

Charlie looked at her Charlie said

'Right they should get their number'

Amy nodded, Charlie walk from them Greta ask

'What is going on?

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