"That's not good." Natasha remarked.

"Cap, this place is about to come down." Clint called out. "Get the kid and let's go."

"I just got here, Clint." Peter said through the comm link. "I'll be quick, though. Prep the jet."

Steve looked at them. "Go, you heard him. I'll stay behind."

Clint offered him a quick nod, shooting some arrows filled with adhesive agents at the ceiling, and even one with a net. 

"That should do the trick," he said before retreating with Natasha.

It did not do the trick. Instead, it proceeded to fail pathetically.

The moment they were out, the support beans finally gave and the ceiling structure collapsed in.

Steve instinctively braced underneath his shield, letting out a graceful "oomph" as the concrete made impact.

Risking a glance around, he saw that he was practically holding up the ceiling, which had more-or-less split in half. 

There were more cracks appearing, meaning that regardless of his efforts, the ceiling would break further, blocking their only way out.

"Peter, I don't think I can hold the exit open for much longer. Whatever you've got, just take it and come."

"Almost there, Cap. Just hold on." he replied.

Steve, deciding not to waste his breath arguing, redirected his energy completely into holding up the structure and avoiding the obvious outcome of the collapsed ceiling.

One painful minute later, he heard a "done!" through the comms.

"Great, now hurry." he replied with urgency.

Since he was in a slightly awkward position, the weight was getting a bit much for him. So, he was surprised to feel the load on his shoulders lighten.

Turning around, he saw Peter tossing the concrete boulders aside.

"Spider got your tongue, Brooklyn?" he quipped with a smirk.

"I still forget that you have super strength sometimes." he sighed out.

"Well, let's go!" he hollered, before shooting a web at the stable portion of the ceiling and swinging over to the Captain, who he grabbed by the waist and carried with him.

They made it to the jet.

Clint took off immediately after they had made it to the ramp, pressing a button to activate the explosive charges he had left behind.

Steve and Peter watched in morbid fascination as what was left of the already collapsed base fell apart with a loud boom.

Once they were in safer airspace, Clint put the jet on autopilot and joined them in the main hold.

"So, what was so special about this base?" he asked, turning to Peter.

Steve was confused as to why he was asking Peter. He was the SHIELD agent, after all. 

Until he saw Natasha looking at Peter, too. 

He put it together fairly quickly after that.

"Wait, this was your op? This wasn't SHIELD-sanctioned?" he asked in realization.

"Of course it was SHIELD-sanctioned," Peter replied. "I was just the one who put in the suggestion. And maybe requested to be assigned to this op."

"Why?" Steve interrogated wearily.

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