Chapter 1

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A/N - Hello and welcome to my new story! I'm really excited to bring this to you and I hope you enjoy it. Just one point, I'm working this story off the basis that Adrien and Marinette received their Miraculous at 16, not 14. Don't forget stars and comments give me encouragement 💜

Marinette ran in, a little flustered, a little late, but she was there as promised. Brushing down her hair and straightening her dress, she scanned the room of familiar faces in the apartment before her eyes met with her best friend Alya.

"Girl, I was starting to think you stood us up." The young reporter laughed, picking a few stray threads off Marientte's dress. "Don't tell me you were still working on it?"

"Just finished it." Marinette grinned, giving a twirl. It was a simple lavender cocktail dress with a 50's style flare and red trims, matched with red kitten heels. "It was one of the designs I sent in my portfolio to the Gabriel internship applications. I tell you, nervous doesn't even begin to describe how I feel. I have my final interview on Monday and I think I'll die if I get rejected."

Marinette was suddenly aware of a presence standing behind her. "He would be a fool if he did."

She turned around and almost tripped over her own feet. Adrien grabbed her arm and helped steady her amid Alya's chuckling. Some things never changed.

"Adrien." Marinette exclaimed. "I didn't know you were back".

The blond gave her a fond smile, running his fingers through his soft locks. Over the last few years Adrien had let his hair grow out little more than his father approved of but he had cemented his status as an international supermodel and a world champion in Fencing. After Lycée he had thrown much of his energy into the sport as a distraction from modeling, going pro and competing at the European World Championships. While Gabriel had reservations at first of loosening the leash so to speak, the international coverage for the brand due to Adrien's achievements had generated the kind of publicity money couldn't buy.

"I got back from the championships a few days ago. Besides, I wasn't about to miss a dinner party thrown by my best friends. Congrats by the way Alya. I know you and Nino will be so happy."

"I'm glad you made it back in time. It wouldn't be a family celebration without you two here." Alya held out her hand so Adrien could see her engagement ring. It was a classic diamond solitaire and suited Alya perfectly. Nino had proposed a few weeks back while on holiday in Saint Tropez, but tonight they were finally getting a chance to celebrate with Alya's family.

"I love your dress by the way, Marinette. It really suits you." Adrien said, the twinkle in his eye was missed by Alya. An adorable blush spread across Marinette's cheeks when he smiled at her. She barely managed to say thanks as she tucked a stray hair behind her ear, looking away shyly.

"Where were you yesterday?" Alya asked Adrien curiously. "I was going to call you, Nino said you were out of town. On a location fashion shoot?"

"Nope, I was picking up my baby." Adrien said mysteriously. The two girls looked at each other questioningly and Adrien took out his phone. After a moment he turned it around to show them the picture of a very sleek, very expensive motorbike.

"Whoa, dude!" Nino exclaimed. Coming over to them he wrapped his arms around Alya's waist and rested his chin on her shoulder. "Is that it?"

"Yep." Adrien said with a gleam in his eyes. "It's a Kawasaki Ninja." The three of them looked at the sleek black bike with emerald green trims. It screamed speed, even when standing still.

"Bro, your old man must have blown a fuse when he saw that?"

Adrien chuckled and looked a little guilty. "I didn't exactly tell him about it." He admitted, then he straightened up and looked more confident. "Besides, what's he going to do? I'm going to be 21 soon, I live in my place now, and I can't keep relying on my bodyguard to drive me everywhere. This way I can beat the heavy traffic to get between photoshoots and training more quickly. I'm sure even he couldn't complain about that."

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