Chapter 16

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It's been three days since their holiday starts and Wonwoo has not gone out of his room, not even for a second.

"Are you really going to stay inside the room? Like forever?" Vernon sighed looking at him, probably thinking how pathetic Wonwoo is.

"Come on hyung! All of us are going to the movies tomorrow night. It starts at nine-thirty. And you are joining with us."

"No, I am not. I love staying in the room."

"Bro... you need sunlight. I mean, Mingyu hyung is all tanned and if you are so pale, you two wouldn't make a good couple."

"Ya!" Wonwoo feels attacked personally by his roommate. A couple, huh? Mingyu does not even like him. How could they become a couple?



"Have you talked to Mingyu hyung after you know...that night?" Vernon asked as if he have seen him walking out of the dorm. Well, of course not. He does not dare to bring up that incident again.

"Nah... I am not gonna." After recalling all his memory, Wonwoo clearly remembers how he told the taller that he is going to get over him. So that's what he is doing... getting over him by staying alone, on his bed, reading books, drinking banana milk, and letting his heartbreak in every possible way.

"Mingyu hyung asked about you, you know," Vernon said as he padded his shoulder. "You really should talk to him."

Wonwoo does not know how to reply to Vernon. Vernon won't probably know Mingyu likes Jeonghan. And if that rumor about Jeonghan and Seungcheol is true, it would hurt Mingyu a lot.

Wonwoo is sad for several reasons. One, Mingyu does not like him. Two, Wonwoo will get rejected straight away if he meets the taller. Three, if Mingyu's heart is breaking, his heart will break, too, twice.

"I am going out now." Vernon stopped and pointed at the fridge as he said "Oh, here is no food left in the fridge..."

Wonwoo attempted to ask the younger to buy him dinner, but Vernon continues "...and no, I am not going to buy anything for you anymore. If you want something, you have to go and buy it yourself."

"Ya! Vernon!" Wonwoo was totally ignored by the younger who left the room with his headphone on. How ungrateful his roommate can be...

Okay, No food for today. He scoffed. That's's not like Wonwoo eats a lot every day. He can go on a water diet. He mocked as he opened the refrigerator door only to find out Vernon is right...oh no. They don't even have the water anymore!?

Well...he blames their dormitory for giving them the smallest fridge in the world for two people.

Okay, so his mission to get the food is started. Wonwoo quickly changed his clothes, put on a hat, collected his courage, and decided to step outside of the room.

He looks left and right of the corridor as soon as he opened the door. Okay, no sign of Mingyu or even his friends.

Good, just here from Convenient store, Wonwoo. It's only 20 minutes in total. You can do this.

Until now, everything seems normal. He reached to convenient store safely without any disturbance and he is now on the way back. He did meet Chan but not Mingyu. It's not like Mingyu wants to meet him anyway... So, he is safe.

Well, that's what he thought...until he felt a forceful grip on his wrist.

"Ahh!" Wonwoo is too scared to open his eyes. He was pulled into a small lane between the buildings. Oh god, stepping outside of the room sure is not a good idea. Is he being robbed?

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