
Comincia dall'inizio

"How long would that be?" Cole asked. Sensei Wu turned on his heel and started to walk towards the kitchn, his students watched his back as he left.

"I don't know," He answered with a shrug, "It depends on how hard you work". With those words Sensei Wu was out of the living room, leaving the ninja in silence. He suddenly appeared at the door again, "I forgot to mention you start tomorrow morning, so go to bed early tonight".

┏━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━┓

"I want to be like you when I grow up mister!" A kid told Kai, raising his hands up. He was of course referring to how tall Kai was, and not anything else, but kids were never too specific.

"I don't blame you buddy, I am pretty cool, if I do say so myself," Kai replied, pressing some buttons on the register to make the order before shouting "Call 305 with a happy meal!".

"Don't say that honey. You're going to college," The kid's mother said, picking her kid from the ground. The kid looked between his mother and Kai, and sided with his mother despite his lack of knowledge in the situation. As the mother turned around Kai gritted his teeth.

"But I do go to school, and I save Ninjago like, like all the time!" Kai said to her.

The woman eyed Kai's employee uniform and raised a brow. "Sure you do, from hunger," She said, than turned to smile to her kid, "Come on honey, let's go pick a table".

As the mother left Kai rolled his eyes and walked into the kitchen, where Nya, Lloyd, and Zane cooked. "Why do I have to be the one responsible for the register?!" Kai asked, throwing a tantrum.

"Because Cole can't cook and Jay can't give change," Nya replied, wrapping a burger Lloyd had set in front of her.

"I heard that!" Jay shouted from the restroom. Since Jay couldn't give change and couldn't cook, but was handy with tools, he was named the generator of the restaurant by majority votes. "What is the problem with restrooms at restaurants?! I swear, this is the tenth time this week the man's toilet got clogged," Jay said as he came into the kitchen, but was quickly sent away by the others.

"Well, why can't I be in charges of the deliveries like Cole?" Kai asked, simultaneously shouting "Order 65! Oder 74! Your foods ready, come and get it!!" Just then, Cole opened the back door harshly, sweat dripping from his forehead as he looked up.

"Hey guys, how's it going?" He asked, collapsing on a chair next to the door he had set up for himself weeks after he was in charge of deliveries.

"Cole, you can rest for ten minutes. I'll send you the locations for the other orders in a minute," Zane said, flipping a patty and squishing it against the metal stove. Cole took seat and a big drink of water out of a bottle. He sprinted all around Ninjago to deliver since it was a faster, and more economical, way to deliver.

"If Cole's too tired, I can do it!" Kai volunteered, jumping in front of Cole with a look of readiness.

"That won't do. Someone filed a complaint when you were deliverer, and we're not risking that happening again," Zane reminded.

"Hey, that cat attacked me first, it wasn't my fault I accidentally punched it. I'm used to punching stuff that is aimed directly at my face, it's called defense mechanism," Kai justified.

"Plus, with Cole we get more orders," Lloyd cheered, Kai gave him a questioning look. "He seems to be popular amongst the lady population," Lloyd said with a shrug. Kai turned to look at Cole, who was sticky with sweat, and still catching his breath. It was a groce sight.

But, Kai wasn't a gal so he didn't see the grace of the view. For the lady clients, it went something like this: Picture a tall, handsome delivery guy standing at your door. Shirt glued to his abandoned and pecs as he runs a hand from his forehead up, combing his thick charcoal hair back to wipe the sweat away. His strong arms extending towards you as he smiles and locks those chocolaty, brown eyes with you, then says "Delivery," in a velvety tone that could melt magma. His hands brush against yours as he takes the cash from your hand, and as he turns you can see all of the muscles of his back earned from hard, long training hours. Just as you think he's gone for good, he turns, those sturdy back muscles tensing, causing your heartbeat to skip as he says "I forgot to say, thank you for ordering with us," with a shy look that just makes you sprint out the door to give him a generous amount of dollar bills worth of tips just for him.

She's the Breeze to my Cherry BlossomsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora