I placed his cup on his desk and sat in our awkward silence for a moment. Noah was scanning my outfit, most likely unimpressed with how many buttons I'd undone or how short my skirt was. Or maybe it was the fact that I hadn't removed my nose ring this morning.

"Where do I start? Your attire or the nose ring?" He asked, disapproval present in his voice. "It's Friday Mr. Harrington, can't you give me a break?" Testing his patience was a sweet specialty of mine.

"The rules still apply Ms. Taylor, you have to stay within them."

"You're right, I should be punished for my insolence."

Punished? No way he was going to feed into that.

"I see, and how would you like to be punished then Serenity?"

I stood corrected.

"Hey Noah, what do you want me to do about—" Drew barged into the room causing Noah to take a few steps back. "I can come back later?" He laughed. I shot him a scowl and excused myself, leaving him and Noah to speak.

"Ms. Taylor, would you swing by my house tonight around eight?" Noah called out.

"What for?" Drew shrugged, I had to agree.

"That isn't your business Andrew, Serenity?" Noah's gaze was unwavering as he waited for me to answer, for me to give him the correct answer.

"I'll be there at eight."


I sat in the driveway debating on whether I should've gone inside or not. Not too long ago Noah was complaining about how inappropriate it was to invite me to dinner at his house, this time he didn't even hesitate.

I sat and listened to the rain violently hit my window, blurring my vision. The rain was what I loved about living in Seattle but today it was just a nuisance. I was drenched, caught in an unexpected rainstorm without an umbrella. My hair had curled and my dress clung to my body making my skin itch. My heels were also ruined which I wasn't too happy about, they cost over two hundred dollars for heaven's sake.

I made a dash for the front door as a means to avoid any more water. Noah opened it quickly and chuckled as he watched raindrops drip from my eyelashes. "Didn't check the weather?" He teased, "you know owe me for these." I placed a wet heel on his chest and hopped into the warm, well-lit home.

"Would you like something to drink?" He already had two glasses and a bottle of wine in hand. "Absolutely, when did Bev fly out?"

"She was out of here at six in the morning, I can dry your clothes for you."

"What am I supposed to wear?"

"I have something for you." He began walking to the stairs so I followed, feeling terribly sorry about the damage I was doing to his carpet and hardwood floors. "T-shirt and shorts okay?" He held them up for me to examine and I nodded, "I'll meet you downstairs when I'm done."

After I finished drying off and tying up my hair, I trotted downstairs finding Noah already enjoying his glass of wine. "So, why am I here?" I asked with my glass in one hand and my head in the other. "I think we're past me pretending like there isn't mutual attraction here."

I took a long sip of my drink and tucked my feet under my butt, "I agree."

"So instead, I'd like to tell you my intentions Serenity."

"Go on."

He smiled and sat down his glass, giving me his full attention. "I don't want a relationship with you."

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