Chapter 2 : Where it gets good

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Narrator: 6 months later Sonic has been locked up in the Death Egg and everything has been heck ever since. We then cut to the resistance hq.

Vector: It's been 6 months without Sonic people are feeling hopeless, we tried every thing and failed!

Charmy: We can try giving them all our money.

Vector: No let's not try that even though it might work.

Amy: You think Sonic might still be alive?

Silver: I'm an optimist but I'm also a realist, Sonic is gone and so is Tails.

Espio:We have waited for a miracle to happen and I'm afraid we have to make our own miracle.

Charmy: Hey aren't some new recruits joining us?

Silver :Yes a survivor from the city and two islanders.

Knuckles:Are you guys alright? Egg mans army are getting stronger and stronger started by destroying green hill,getting the Master Emerald, and capturing Sonic. Whatever there planing has everyone in fear, well everyone except these three rookies.

Blue: Hey are you saying that we suck?

Pink: You know that I've been in World War!

Kyron: Ignore them they don't know anything.

Knuckles: So tell us why you joined.

Blue:Well it's a long story.

Narrator:We then cut into a flashback in a familiar looking forest.

Blue: Charlie, Charlie wake up!

Charlie: I thought I was done with you!

Blue: You know that thing you were asking about the Meadow?

Charlie: Yeah.

Blue:Well it happened!

Eggman: HAHAHAHA HAHAHAH yes now I can build my new headquarters!

Cubot: What about your old headquarters?

Eggman: It smelt like Diahrea.

Pink: that fat man is gonna kill us all AAAAH!

Blue: And that helmet head.

Charlie: What is happening why does bad stuff always happen when I'm near you?

Eggman: Infinite capture them.

Infinite: Capturing them is too nice, I'll give their punishment more painful.

Blue: Pink and I escaped but Charlie tripped and they took out his kidneys.

Kyron: If you wanna know why I came here it's to not be in contact in anyone. You see I live alone in a cave in the mountains it's a bit cramp and the food is rare but I can take it. Until that menace you call Eggman destroyed my cave and mountains and is now building a city with so much lights it'll make your eyes twitch.

Blue:Hey that reminds me Roboggaman is building a Casino in the meadow.

Pink: He's gonna give everyone a gambling problem

Knuckles: Alright guys take these weapons. Let's go get the world is not gonna save it self.

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