"I-I'm sorry! It was an a... accident!" When you were calm enough, you profusely apologized to your teacher, feeling terrible that you disturbed class time. "Shh, Y/n, don't worry about it. I think you're just overwhelmed right now." Ms. Rees was understanding of the situation. "Why don't you stay out here for a few minutes and when you're ready you can join us again." She offered which you gladly nodded your head to. While you got fresh air, she talked to the class to ignore what had happened without making you feel any more guilt.

School was still hard after that incident, unfortunately. Everyday, the kids still teased you but only in their own heads. They never spoke to you outwardly. Even though they only thought those things, you could still hear them. Their internal taunts caused you to fail in school but there was nothing you could do about it. You could not tell your teacher because she would never believe you. Times like that made you wish you were normal.

Flashback End

Your surroundings are gloomy, the surface damp from a previous rainfall. As you walk along the cool path, slightly shivering as more rain trickles against your exposed skin, a force knocks you to the ground. Landing on your side, you roll over to suddenly get pushed back down. Looking up at the dark night sky, simply an empty void, stolen of stars, everything disappears along with the rain.

Peacefully laying on the stone ground, a sensation trails up from your chest, tickling the base of your neck as it slowly rises. The touch is gentle enough to not disturb you until a grip takes ahold of your throat, restricting any further air flow. Your steady breathing comes to a halt, desperately searching for a way to breathe again. Silent coughing and struggling wakes you out of your slumber, staring up at a dark ceiling. The invisible enemy crushes further, your entire face turning scarlet from the lack of oxygen. Clawing at your throat, nothing is there, although, it feels as if a Titan is sitting on you. Then, as you blink, a man comes into view. The baby-blue figure is a stranger but you get a vision of his lively face. One of Kenny's gang members you had crossed paths with. The man certainly held a grudge as he attempts to steal your life away just as you had done to him.

As your regular vision begins to fade away again, you keep fighting to stay conscious. His eyes stare into yours without life or any blinking, making it all the more demonic. Chest heaving, you thrash your body around in an attempt to throw him off but since he's a spirit, it does not work the same, he has all power over you. In a final attempt to save yourself, you reach your arm out to the side, searching for anything to grab. That's when your fingers hit a hard object, immediately stretching out to grip onto it. It was the wood Armin used to help you earlier. Once the piece is successfully in your grasp, you raise your arm, ready to swing at him for a distraction. Just as your arm is ready to thrust forward, a different tight grip wraps around your wrist, this time, from the living. Without hearing their voice from your choking, you keep your focus on trying to battle off the evil spirit. Letting out a small noise, your arm falls and drops the piece of wood, air abruptly penetrating your deprived lungs.

"Y/n, what the hell happened?" A deep monotonous voice breaks the new silence, catching you off guard. When you try to answer, your breath hitches in your throat, sending you back into a coughing fit. "Shit- you're choking!" He grumbles, pulling you to sit up to try to stop it. "N-No! I-I'm okay!" You cough out, swallowing hard when the second choke passes. He immediately releases you, crouched on the ground as he watches you from behind. Taking a few breaths to calm down, you graze the tips of your fingers over your neck, sighing. "Sorry I woke you up, sir." You whisper, waiting to be reprimanded by your Captain. "I was already up. What was your dumb ass choking on?" Captain Levi responds, voice still low to not disturb your sleeping comrades. Thinking for a moment, you realize you can't truthfully answer his question. "I think a bug crawled into my mouth, sir." You answer as soon as you come up with an excuse. Captain Levi stares at you without much expression, keeping you wondering if he believes you or not. "Idiot." He eventually mutters, standing back up straight, ready to walk away.

Walking Among Spirits (Levi x Reader) [REWRITE]Where stories live. Discover now