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Irena, Fred, and Alek were in the kitchen eating breakfast while George was in the restroom showering. 

The four of them were quiet while eating breakfast.  George's hair was still wet after getting out of the shower.

Even Alek was quiet; he would usually talk a lot at any chance he got. He would make a lot of different sounds, not able to make complete sentences or words.

He was eating his food, making a mess. Irena was happy to use magic after every mess; she would use her wand, and it would look brand new. She felt bad for muggle mums who had to clean the mess by hand.

Later that day, they decided that it was best for their safety to stay at the Burrow with Molly and Arthur. During the rest of the summer, Ginny was also at the Burrow, Bill and Fleur went to the Shell Cottage, which was located on the outskirts of Tinworth, Cornwall, near the coast.

The three of them made their bags; Irena was not sure how long they would stay there. She first made Aleks bag and added extra clothes since he was growing fast. She also wanted to take with her Aleks favorite toys.

Once she was done, she started packing her clothes. She set the trunk on the bed, going to the closet, and just getting the first clothes she saw. She folded them and placed them inside the trunk.

Fred walked inside their room holding Alek "are you almost done," Fred asked, looking at Irena. "I think I am," she said, closing the trunk and looking at her almost empty closet.

"Da da," Alek yelled. Both Irena and Fred looked at Alek. "Did he just" Irena nodded.

"Can't believe his first word is dada," said Irena, squishing Aleks cheek.

He had been saying a few words, but they couldn't understand him, but this one was so clear they knew he said dada.

"You are his favorite, and it's not fair," Irena said, looking at Fred, who had a proud smile on his face.

"If it makes you feel better, you are my favorite," he said, kissing her on top of her head. She smiled at him, "I guess I can work with that."

They had arrived at the Burrow safely. Fred had told George that Alek had said dada; George gasped, not believing it.

He carried Alek and placed him on his lap, facing him, "Look at me, Alek. Repeat after me, uncle George." Alek looked at him and smiled, showing his teeth.

"Uncle George," George repeated slowly. "Dada," said Alek. "No, he's over there," George said, pointing at Fred.

"Uncle George or Uncle Georgie both work for me," he said, pointing at himself. Alek pointed at his uncle's chest. "Who am I?"

Alek opened his mouth to say something, but Fred interrupted him. "Let him be." "He was going to say it, Fred," George told his brother. "Dada," Alek said, hearing his father's voice, and he started to move to look for him.

George got up from the sofa, still holding Alek. "I'm not going to give you your son back until he says my name," George said, moving around, making Aleks back face Fred.

"Come on, George," Fred said, walking closer to him. "Uncle George," George repeated to Alek, who was still looking for his father.  George ran up the stairs.

"George! Get back here," Fred said, going after his brother. George went into his old room and locked it. Fred knocked on the door. "Open me the door," Fred said, banging on the door. He looked for his wand but couldn't find it; he must have left it downstairs.

He could hear a faint whisper, "Say George or what about G that simple," George told Alek, who didn't know what was going on.

He went downstairs; and into the kitchen, he looked for his wand. "What's going on; where's Alek," Irena asked.

Fred smiled once he found his wand, "George is in the room with Alek; he locked himself in there with him." "What," Irena and Molly said at the same time.

"Don't worry, he only wants Alek to say his name, but Alek is not cooperating."

Irena blinked a few times, trying to understand what Fred was saying, but before she could ask anything else, he went back up the stairs.

She heard more banging coming from upstairs and a few distant yelling. Molly was continuing cooking, not faced by this; it's not the first time something like this happens in the Weasley house.

After a few more minutes, Fred comes back to the kitchen carrying Alek. "Everything alright," asked Irena. "He said it," George said excitedly, running down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Say it again, Alek," George said out of breath. "Dada" "No," George said, bringing his hands to his face.

 February of 1996Where stories live. Discover now