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It was morning, and Fred, Irena, and George were getting ready for the day. Once they were ready to go, they went into the fireplace. First was George, and after him was Irena and Fred holding hands. Irena, Fred, and George were going to eat breakfast at the Burrow before going to work. They use the floo powder to go to the Burrow as always.

When Irena got out of the fireplace, she could smell the delicious food that Mrs. Weasley had made for breakfast. Irena let go of Freds hand and walked to the kitchen, not waiting for them. She started to put food on her plate; on her way to the table, she bumped into someone.

Harry walked into the kitchen, not looking where he was going, bumping into someone.

"Sorry," he said, fixing his glasses and looking at the person he bumped into. It was a woman he has seen before. His eyes widened when he saw her pregnant belly. He looks at her trying to remember where he has seen her from.

"Hello Harry," said the young witch, holding a plate with food. "Mrs. Weasley made breakfast if you're hungry," she said, walking to the table. Ron was standing next to Harry, "I'm going to be an uncle, did I tell you," he said, looking at Harry.

No one tells him anything. Harry looked at Ron and back at the woman. She was going to the table when he saw Fred kissing her forehead, getting something from her plate, putting it in his mouth, and eating. She said something to Fred and pointed to the kitchen.

Fred smiled and started to walk to the kitchen. After Fred got a full plate of food, he went to the table and took a seat next to Irena. Ron and Harry were sitting in front of them but a bit to the left. Harry would occasionally look at Irena until his eyes widened, remembering where he had seen her from.

Fred and Irena were talking when George got in their conversation at one point. Since they were getting new products, they had to move the old products. That's what Irena's job was going to be that day.

They continue to eat breakfast. Mrs. Weasley placed a plate with toast in the middle of the table. Ron was going to get one when Mrs. Weasley slapped his hand. "Ron, where are your manners? Let Harry and I-Irena get toast first." Hearing her name, Irena looked up. Mrs. Weasley mentioned her. She looked at Fred and then at George. They shrug their shoulders. Fred smiled at her "go on, get a toast." After Harry and Irena got a piece of toast, everyone else that wanted a piece got one.

What Mrs. Weasley did for her was small, but it was something. Since finding out she was going to be a grandmother, she has been stressed and has been ignoring Irena. Maybe they could be a little more civil with each other. Maybe even Mrs. Weasley would actually like her and not pretend she does.

After the three of them were done eating breakfast, they left for the shop. George got the key and opened the shop. They got in the shop not too long after they entered, Verity came in.

"Good Morning, everyone," said Verity, waving at the three of them. Irena smiled "morning Verity, how are you?"

And her day at the shop began when children of all ages started to come into the shop.


I feel like this story is going nowhere. : ( Hopefully, it gets better. I have been having a lot of work which gives me less time to write. Hopefully, this weekend I can work on a few chapters. Also, thank you for reading my story, and I hope you stay until the very end of the book. : )

 February of 1996Where stories live. Discover now