Alone With Loki *

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- Y/N POV -

When JARVIS told us that the team was off of the Avengers property, Loki was right in front of me smirking a storm. He grabbed my waist and smashed me against the nearest wall, I groaned.

"Did you have to smash me into the wall?" I asked with a whimper at the end. Then he smashed his lips on mine, I automatically kissed back. His cold lips are soft yet, also rough on mine.


Once the team left I teleported in front of Y/n and smashed her into the wall. "Did you have to smash me into the wall?" Y/n whined and whimpered at the end of the sentence. After she whined I smashed my lips on hers. She kissed back almost instantly, with her warm, soft, beautiful lips. Then I moved my lips down and started to outline her jawline, she started to moan quietly. After I successfully outlined her jawline with my lips, I moved down to her neck. Once my lips made first contact with her neck, her moans got louder.

"J-Jar-vis," Y/n struggled to say

"Yes, Miss Y/l?" The AI asked

"T-ur-rn o-off the s-security c-cam-ras," Y/n said still struggling to speak while I am nibbling at her neck.

"Yes, Miss Y/l."

"A-an-d d-dele-ete f-ootage a-after the team l-left."

"Done Miss Y/l, anything else?"

"N-no." Y/n said, while still struggling to speak.

I hope not, pet. If you did I would need to change that. But, then I would get to have more fun with my little pet.

"I-I-urgh, you suck." Y/n said while I was letting her take a breather, I smirked and put my hands on her waist then I teleported us into my chambers. Once again I smashed her into a wall, she groaned in response. I looked at her neck and saw that her neck was more (skin color) than purple, I narrowed my eyes and got back to work. As I kissed, licked, and bit her neck, she tilted her head back against the wall, seeming to be enjoying the feeling. Soon I found her sweet spot and then she made the loudest and most satisfying moan making me bite harder, making the moan she just did but twice as powerful also making a smirk slowly form on my face.

After a little while, I moved my head away from her neck to analyzed her neck. The color was a tornado of types of purple. From plum to dark orchid, what a beautiful site to see.

"L-Loki~" Y/n whined, I looked into her eyes, her eyes showed: excitement, pleasure, enjoyment, dispirit.

"Yes, love?" I asked still looking into those alluring eyes. Then she closed her eyes.

"More~" She whined, I chuckled and looked at her neck then at her shirt. I smirked and ripped off her shirt with ease.

- Y/N POV -

Why did it just get colder in here? Maybe the temperature is colder in this part of the tower. But it was warm just a few seconds ago.

I opened my eyes and saw Loki smirking, and saw that he has my shirt. WAIT, my shirt! I looked down at my bra and then back at Loki again. His smirk grew and he tilted his head, not in confusion no, in excitement. I wanted to back up but then I remembered that my back was against the wall, I am the prey and Loki is the predator.

Then Loki picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. "LOKI! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?" I yelled at him. No response. "LOKI!" I yelled at him again. No response. Then Loki threw me on his bed --along with my shirt--, with my head on his pillows. I looked at him with a scared look but in response, he gave me a devilish smirk.


After I threw her on my bed, I used my powers to summon some chains. The chains connected her hands to the headboard.

"L-Loki" Y/n said with a worried tone.

"Yes, pet?" I asked, with my smirk expanding by the second.

"W-what a-are you d-doing?" She asked

"Something you will cherish for years." I answered, then I disappeared her bra and she struggled against the chains, making me chuckle.

Knock knock

I growled and looked over to the door and snapped at the person "What!"

"Brother, the team and I have returned from our mission. Have you seen Lady Y/n? No one can seem to be able to find her." My idiotic oaf of a brother asked me. I looked back at Y/n and smirked while putting one of my hands on her mouth before she could say something.

"No, no I have not. Sadly, but could you inform me when you find her?" I asked with a smirk still on my face.

"Sure, Brother." He said then I heard his footsteps become fainter and fainter until they were not able to be heard.

I looked over at Y/n and she squinted her eyes at me, making me chuckle while moving my hand from her mouth.

Knock knock

I sigh and look over at the door and got up from my spot, then stomped over to the door and swung the door up. But not before I put an illusion over Y/n so no one will be able to see her.

"What. Do. You. Want?" I snapped at them and looked over at them and saw Stark, Rogers, Barns, and Thor. My expiration did not change nor did my body language from when I opened the door. "Well!?!" I snapped again. They looked at me with sad expirations then Rogers said that they could not find Y/n. I sighed and opened the door more and elaborated on the illusion so that they see Y/n, but not the same Y/n that I was looking at a few seconds ago. This Y/n had all of her clothes on and was reading on my bed.

"She knocked on my door after you felt, and asked if she could read with me." I answered, wanting my oaf of a brother to leave along with his idiotic friends. With that, they left but Barns had a suspicious face on when he was leaving my doorway.

When they left I closed the door and groped the illusion. I saw Y/n, still in the same position that I left her in and she was still squinting her eyes at me. I walked back over to the bed and straggled Y/n. Her expression changed from anger and frustration to confusion and fear. I smirked and started to rub her breasts, she moaned.

I could listen to those sounds for centuries and not get tired of hearing them. I thought to myself with a smirk.

She tilted her head back once more, signaling to me that she wanted more. I am only going to give her as much as I want to give her. I thought to myself once more, while trying my hardest not to give in to her commands and go insane.

Then the door swung open, revealing my idiotic brother. Both mine and Y/n's heads whipped over to Thor and his expression was hard to tell. He seemed terrified and excited all in one expression. Then before his eyes changed to an e/c and slowly backed away and closed the door. I looked back at Y/n and she started at the closed door.

"What did you do?" I asked, while she slowly turned her head to look in my direction.

"I think that somehow I used blood bending to make Thor leave the room, and used another power to make him forget what he just saw. But now my head hurts. Also, you might want to put up an illusion before Thor comes back." Y/n answered, so I did just that I made an illusion that will hopefully fool Thor, he has lived with me almost my entire life, he knows almost all of my tricks.

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