Step Away Loki

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- Y/N POV -

"You're mine," Loki whispered into my ear which sent shiver's down my spine and put a small smile on my face.

"I hope so," I whispered back and soon felt my shirt move and cold hands move up my bare waist and rest on my stomach. Then the elevator made a 'ding' noise and the doors opened revealing the team in their suits with cuts and bruises. I dry off my hands and grab Loki's wrists, trying to get his hands off of my body while still trying to hide my face because of my blushing.

WAIT am I blushing again? Because of Loki? Oh My God, I am blushing because of Loki AGAIN!!

You are correct, I am your God. Is that why you are trying to escape my grasp, pet?

And that just made me blush more. Good job Loki.

Why thank you... pet.

Can you let go of me now?

Hmm, let me think about that.

"No" Loki whispered into my ear.

"And why not?" I whispered back to him. He got closer to me pushing my back against his chest, making his grip tighten around me.

"Because I don't want to," Loki whispered, resting his head on my shoulder.

"Loki, step away from Y/n," Nat said, raising her gun at the God.

"Why would I do that Romanoff?" Loki asked moving his head to face Nat, but still holding onto me.

"Step away Loki!" Steve said warning Loki.

"I am not hurting her," Loki said looking at Steve.

"Brother," Thor warned Loki while everybody else was bringing out their weapons, except for me and Loki.

"Am I or am I not hurting her?" Loki growled while he moved his arms up and under my shirt more. Making me gasp in surprise while blushing. While I am blushing by Loki being forward, everyone else had their weapons in hand and at the ready.

"Can you guy's please stop fighting?" I whined while leaning my head back on Loki's chest, unconsciously.

"Ms. Y/n are you dating Mr. Loki?" Peter asked, standing next to Dad.

"He wishes," I said way to confidently.

So do you darling. Loki thought looking down at me, making me blush even more and trying to escape his grip once more. You tried that before pet.

You're right. I think then smirk and teleport over next to Wanda. But I didn't think to teleport out of your grip. I think while still smirking. Your right you did not. Loki said and his smirk stayed plastered on his face like he was coming up with an evil plan, being Loki he might be.

"Better?" I asked the team, and they all nodded in response.

"Ya, ya I guess so. Reindeer Games stay away from my daughter!" Then the team lowered their weapons but They still look like they would kill Loki if they had to, maybe not Thor though he would not kill his brother.

Are you worried about my safety darling?

No . . . Maybe . . . Ok Yes, yes I am. BUT now that I remembered that you are a god, I think you will be fine with a few mortals on your tail.

You are good at turning me on. . . pet. When Loki said/thought 'pet' he teleported in front of me and the team drew their weapons again, making me giggle at their reaction when Loki is closer than they would preferred.

"Well, now that you guys are back I am going to go and get my mead kit, Wanda would you like to join me?" I asked Wanda with my head turned to her but my body still facing Loki.

"Sure." Wanda said with a cheeky grin on her face, which made me think that she was reading my mind when Loki and I were 'talking to each other. But how did I not notice? Maybe I was too distracted in the conversation to notice Wanda in my mind.

When the team was all healed up and we were all chilling in the living room, including Loki who was reading a book. Tony seemed to be getting bored, with only watching 'Mission Impossible' he paused the movie and asked if people were up to having a party later today. And most people were up to it, when Tony suggested it Loki looked up from his book and his emerald eyes made contact with my e/c ones.

"So it's a yes?" Tony asked the group even though if we said no Tony would throw it anyway, and after Tony got his answer I teleported in front of him and snatched the TV remote and un-paused the movie and we continued to watch it until it ended.

"The party will be at 8pm be there." Tony said and everyone left the living room to go and get ready. So now it was only Nat, Wanda, and me in the living room.

"You guys wanna get ready in my room?" I asked and they both nodded and they went to their rooms to grab their dresses while I headed straight to mine.

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