Chapter 40

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"Dr. Shepherd!" Izzy choked out as she looked him up and down over and over, standing in Meredith's bedroom wearing boxers, she saw him but was having a hard time still making herself believe it.

"I....uhm." he stuttered, staring back with a deer in the headlights look.

They both opened their mouths, unsure of how to react. They heard a choking sound and reacted slowly, unable to break their stare. Meredith suddenly brushed past them, giving them a panicked glance, but her hand was clasped tightly over her mouth and she was hurrying across the hall towards the bathroom. Derek hurried after her and Izzy scuffled, still in disbelief.

"What." she stuttered and gasped as she saw Meredith hunch over the toilet and throw up, Derek was right behind her holding her hair back "What is going on!"

They ignored her for the moment. George heard a panicked commotion and came down the hall and into the bathroom with a look of just as much shock plastered onto his face.

"What..." George trailed and glanced at Izzy "What is he doing here?" he looked at Derek "What are you doing here! And what's wrong with Meredith?"

"Gingersnaps!" Meredith growled out, Derek wanted to stay with her but he needed to get them so he left her and hurried out of the bathroom, Izzy and George looked as she threw up again.

"Meredith!" Izzy gasped with concern "What's going on, what's wrong with you?"

"And what's with Shepherd making a house call in his underwear!" George remarked.

Just then Derek rushed back into the room with a bag, he handed Meredith a gingersnap cookie and she stuck it in her mouth and started chewing on it immediately. He went to the sink and wet down a cloth and filled a glass, he walked over to her and handed her the cup. She looked up at him gratefully as he crouched down in front of her and started lightly dabbing her face with the cloth. George and Izzy were almost softened by the sight, he obviously seemed to care a great deal about her, but it still left them wondering why?

"Meredith?" Izzy mumbled.

She glanced at them and then back at Derek and gulped. She wasn't sure how it happened and what the details were, all she knew was that Derek was supposed to leave and she fell into a coma until her stomach woke her up. There was no point in getting upset about it at the moment, frankly she didn't have the energy but she needed to manage it.

"Can you grab me some pants." she croaked out to him, realizing she was only in a long t-shirt "Fourth drawer in my dresser."

"Sure." he said softly, kissing her on the forehead.

He knew she wanted some alone time, he turned and glanced warily at the two before leaving the room. Meredith leaned her body against the wall and stared with tired sick eyes at the two curious faces trying to assess the situation with their minds. She let out a light sigh as she thought about what to do, what to say, lie or not to lie....maybe it was better to just rip off the bandage, at least that's all she could think to do.

"What you're probably thinking is correct."

"And what are we thinking?" George asked "That you're shacking up with Shepherd?"

"Yes." she said.

"Meredith!" Izzy gasped "You really feel the need to do that for your career! Is your mother that bad?"

"Ok maybe it's not what you're thinking." Meredith mumbled.

"Then by all means." George crossed his arms "Clear it all up!"

"Yeah," Izzy frowned "last we checked you two hated each other!"

"We did." she said, she took a long deep breath and let it out slowly "We hated each other from the start, and then we became friends on a common thread that we're both children of a powerful pain in the ass medical celebrity. And then I went to meet Dash, my online admirer, and it was him. Derek was dash109." their jaws propped open "And we fell in love, and I know I didn't tell you, I didn't tell anyone. If my mother found out..." she trailed off as a wave of nausea hit her again, she popped another cookie in her mouth "And if you tell a single soul I swear to whoever that I will slit your throats! I know where you sleep and I have access to scalpels!"

"We won't tell anyone." Izzy shook her head "Meredith you could have told us."

"Yeah," George nodded "I know you think we like to talk, and that we absorb gossip like it's oxygen, and truth is we do..."

"George." Izzy hissed.

"My point is that we care about you Meredith, you're our friend." he said "And this would hurt you, so we won't say anything."

"Ok." Meredith gulped "Thank you."

"Ok." George nodded.

"So that explains a lot." Izzy let out a dry giggle, then frowned "But why are you sick?"

"Oh, I don't have syphilis or the flu." she mumbled "I'm pregnant."



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