Start from the beginning

Paul: Please, Brendan, we don't want to hurt you.

(Greg hits Brendan and he falls to the floor.)

Greg: Did you really think that the church could save you?

(Greg picks up Brendan up off the floor. He goes to hit him again but Prue enters the church.)

Prue: Hey! (She uses her power and Greg flies across the room.) Piper! Phoebe!

Greg: We'll come back for you.

(They run off.)

Phoebe: Prue? Rose?

Prue: You guys, over here! (to Brendan) Are you all right?

Brendan: Yeah, thanks. (He runs off.)

Prue: Wait, where...?

Piper: Hey!

Phoebe: What happened?

Prue: I don't know, but uh, I'm gonna go find out.

Opening Credits

[Scene: In a room. Brendan's brothers are there. One brother is staring at a chameleon.]

Paul: Amazing reflexes. Check it out.

Greg: Should've kept a closer watch on Brendan over the years. Shouldn't have left him alone.

Paul: Seriously, you gotta see this, watch.

Greg: I'm sick and tired of you and this freakin' lizard.

Paul: Yeah? Too bad. (Greg goes to hit him.) No! (Paul puts up a force field around the chameleon.) I'm sorry, okay. Just stay away from my pet. That's all I ask. Maybe we should let Brendan go. I mean, we don't really need him. It's not like we don't already have our powers.

Greg: Without his powers we can't complete our triangle. Paul, the prophecy of the Rowe Coven. He must accept his heritage. He must be initiated as a warlock.

Paul: Initiated how? We can't force him to kill an innocent.

Greg: Well, maybe not, but we can stir his inner nature. The part he thinks he's suppressed. Make him wanna kill.

Paul: By tomorrow? Not a chance. Once he's been ordained, he's safe. He can never become a warlock.

Greg: In which case, we will have to kill him.

[Scene: Halliwell Manor. Conservatory. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are there. The phone rings. Phoebe answers it.]

Phoebe: Hello? Oh, hello, Josh, how are you?

Piper: I will call him back.

Phoebe: Yeah, she's right here, hold on a second. Oops.

Piper: You're dirty. (She takes the phone.) Hello. No, it's all right. I'm always up this early. What's that? My horoscope said that. Really? Oh, well, that's a shame 'cause I have to work Friday night. Yep, Saturday too.

Phoebe: (to Prue) Okay, I have to go change the cat litter.

Prue: Phoebe.

Phoebe: What? What is the problem? She likes him, he likes her.

Prue: The problem is it's none of our business.

Rose: She's right Phoebe, you need to back of it is Piper's business

Piper: I, I've got to go now, so thanks for calling though. Yeah, well, I gotta go to work. I'll be there all day and all night. Yep, gotta go, bye.

(Piper hangs up.)

Phoebe: Okay, you know what? It's your life, if you wanna be a nun, Godspeed.

Piper: Thank you. Now back to our warlock crisis. Why do we think they're after, what's his name again?

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