I can't breath.

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Riley dreamily stared out of her slightly smudged suburban window from the third floor, observing the grayish pink of the clouds floating in the sky, seemingly peaceful. Then she let out a shriek when the familiar, curly haired blonde suddenly popped up out of nowhere. Arms flailing, Riley fell backwards onto to the hardwood floor. Through the window, Maya was falling into a fit of laughter. Riley scowled, rubbing her probably now bruised butt and getting up to open the window.
"That. Was. Hilarious!" Maya exclaimed, still wheezing and laughing. Riley's frown deepened. "What?"

"You know, maybe you should start using the door," Riley mumbled, walking across the room to grab her backpack off the chair. "Why didn't you just beep me down?"

Maya shrugged. "This was funner," she said. "Besides, hitting the buzzer is getting old. I need some excitement in my life!"

Riley rolled her eyes, smiling and shaking her head as the two jogged downstairs just in time to see Topanga feeding Auggie plane style, complete with engine noises and all, and Cory checking his suitcase and fixing his tie in the hallway mirror. Riley beamed at this typical everyday sight. It was comforting.

"Hello, family!" she called, her grin reaching all the way up to her ears. "Today is going to be wonderful! Today is going to be utterly fantastic!"

Maya let out a deeply annoyed sigh. "Here we go."

Riley, on the other hand, took a deep breath. "Today is the 14th. As in, February 14th. As in, Valentine's Day. As in-"

"As in a day you have been so graciously looking forward to. Yes, Riley, you have been rehearsing this spiel in the bathroom every morning. We've all heard you," Cory chuckled, pecking the top of Topanga's forehead and handing her a single rose. "For you, my love."

Topanga smiled, pecking Cory on the cheek. "Thanks, honey. You're so creative," she teased. Cory frowned.

"Please, people, I'm trying to eat my breakfast!" Auggie howled, covering his eyes, his mouth still open. Topanga continued to plane-feed her five year old son who still seemed oblivious to the importance of Valentine's Day, and she was grateful. Riley was already about to turn thirteen, and had even started asking her about make up.

One child growing up was enough.

"You think Lucas will ask you out?" Maya whispered in Riley's ear as they opened the door, ready to walk to school.

"I heard that!" Cory bellowed before the girls quickly slammed the door shut. Riley's face was heating up as she fiddled with her dress, red with white hearts. The morning air was cooler than usual, and she felt thankful to have her matching white wool sweater.

"Lucas?" she asked, hoping she sounded nonchalant. "Ask me out? What ever for?"

Maya smacked Riley's arm. "Cut it out, will you? We both know the sparks between you and cowboy are major. What's the deal with you two, anyway?"

Riley shrugged, thinking back to the many events she had shared into the school year with Lucas as soon as he'd moved to the city and their school. They had met on the subway, when she'd literally stumbled her way onto his lap, a moment she still cringed at when thinking about it. After that, he had joined their small group of friends: her, Maya, and the infamous and annoying Farkle, an eccentric boy who seemed to be in love with both Maya and Riley, or so he liked to announce often.

The most recent moment she had shared with him was their participation in the school's play of Romeo and Juliet, in which, by some heaven sent miracle, Riley had received the role of Juliet and Lucas, the role of Romeo. And although Farkle has technically somehow become her first kiss (although he did miss, so Riley was still trying to figure out whether this counted or not...), Lucas had clearly stated that Farkle had stolen his moment once more.

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