xvi. doritos and makeup

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He huffed, a deep blush covering his face as if he hadn't seen me naked less than an hour ago. Still, he complied, pressing his lips to mine in a slow, quiet kiss. His lips formed a gentle smile as he did so, but he tried to cover it as he pulled away. "Getting snacks," he grumbled.

Toby giggled into my shoulder before wiggling around, changing his position so he was pressed into my chest instead of my neck. "Y-you're ver-very s-sss-soft," he mumbled, pushing his face as close as he could to me.

I pressed my hands into his hair, chuckling. "Thank you, babyboy."

He whined and nuzzled into me again before going still, cracking his knuckles as he did so. It was quiet for a few moments, just the movie playing, before I looked over to Brian again. He was slumped into the seat, comfortable. I took a second to admire him before he turned his gaze to me.

"Brian," I cooed. He just tilted his head down slightly before shaking his head. "Hoodie?" He nodded, and I grinned. "Oh, hello!" He broke out into a smug smile and waved before he turned back to the screen, gazing intently. He had probably never seen the movie before, but he looked to be enjoying it so far. I watched him for a few more moments before lifting my feet, making Toby lift his, too, as Tim came to sit down. He dropped off some chips and drinks to the table before settling down and pulling our legs down over his lap. One of his hands rested on my calf while the other held a cup of coffee.

I reached my hand out, straining myself to get the bag of doritos Tim had put a bit too far away, practically pulling myself and Toby off the couch in the process, but I was thankfully helped by my lord and savior Hoody who gently grabbed the bag of Doritos and held them out to me only to snort and pull them into his lap. I let out a loud gasp at the action, giving him a look that showed how offended I was. "Why I never ," I cried out, elongating my southern accent to a comical tone. "Young gentleman, if you don't hand me those right now ."

Hoodie quirked an eyebrow as if to say ' you'll do what?'

"Oh, ho, ho, buddy, if I wasn't being weighed down by another man right now-"

Tim gently smacked my calf. "Calm down, he won't hoard them for forever."

I continued to stare at Hoodie as he gave me a look that said 'don't test it.' I gave him a fake glare and threw myself towards him a bit, jumping in my seat. Toby yelled at the action and adjusted his hold so his arms were wrapped around my waist. He huffed lowly and turned his attention back to the movie. I placed my arms on Toby's back and neck as I squinted angrily at Hoodie. "You just wait, bucko," I mumbled before turning to the screen.

Toby moved one of his arms that was wrapped around me and extended it beneath me so his fingers could play with the chains on my collar. He made a noise of content and then sighed. If he could, he'd probably be purring right now. I let my hands slide through his hair as Tim's fingers slowly drew designs across my leg, his cup of coffee sitting precariously on the arm of the chair.

We all sat in the quiet for a bit, content to watch the movie. Tim made a few comments every now and then, but Toby's only one was that 'the-ey are v-vvv-very g-gay.' Every now and then I'd turn with a glare to see Hoodie with his hand in my bag of Doritos, but he would only look away or give me a smug look as he chomped down on one.

Toby began to get restless, though, as the movie began to come to an end, twisting and turning in my hold as he watched the vampires fly through the sky. I glanced down at him, but he wasn't looking at the screen, instead, focusing his attention on me, eyes wide and face soft. I twirled some of his hair and looked between him and the TV for a bit before settling on the TV, wanting to watch the end out. Toby didn't move for a bit more before he closed his eyes and pressed his face almost fully into my chest, angling so he could still breathe properly.

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