2 | First Impressions

Start from the beginning

We were pampered and dressed by maids, taken care of excellently. I could chose from racks upon racks of dresses of all shades of the rainbow. It was like a dream.

Maids were waiting on me for instruction, ready to do anything I asked for. It was quite different to what I was used to. My dark skin shined from all the lotions and oils they had applied on me in the bath, and my hair was smoother than I'd ever gotten it at home.

Once we were dressed we were sent into a waiting room with the others. I think this was where we were supposed to get to know some of the other girls before meeting the prince one by one.

I hated introductions. And I certainly wouldn't know what to say to these girls.

There was about 7 girls already here. All of them white. It made me feel unnerved, like I didn't fit in.

I wasn't used to feeling so out of place, since I didn't venture far from my home where majority of people looked like me.

I felt their eyes look at me and I held my breath, but then they looked away, going back to whatever they were doing. That made me relax a little, seeing they didn't pay attention to me longer than a moment and continued chatting about their hair or dresses.

I scanned around and saw one girl, sitting alone on a couch as if she was too shy to approach the others in pairs already chatting. She was very pretty, like most of the people here, but the only one so far who had red hair. It looked unnatural though, as if it were dyed auburn, but it was still gorgeous and wavy.

The girl was in a blue dress, one that looked like watercolours, the soft splashes over the long white material.

I took a deep breath and approached.

She looked up at me with a surprised expression that I was walking towards her and she smiled. I'm the first to speak.

"Hi, I'm Nitara. Can I sit with you?"

My voice comes out softly and the girl takes in my appearance, my purple dress catching her eye.

She purses her lips, "I'm Elena. And it's lovely to meet you Nitara. I take it you're from India?"

Something about her tone seemed insincere, but I still nod. Also I didn't like the fact she assumed, but maybe she didn't know better.

"I am."

"Well, let me get this straight for you." Elena says, lowering her voice so she can't be overheard, "I don't think you should be here. Royalty has no place for people like you. What Prince would take an Indian girl like you for his wife?"

Elena spat out her words venomously, but kept a smile that made me freeze in fear.

I felt hurt.

"Oi leave her alone. Nasty girl."

A girl came to my rescue, taking my arm and glaring at Elena. My rescuer had thick black hair and a fire in her eye as she didn't falter in front of Elena.

"What? You and me both know she won't be here long." Elena says with a disgusted look towards me and I feel like crying.

The girl at my side scoffs, "You seem to know absolutely nothing but rubbish. I hope you have a horrible day."

The girl with black hair pulls me away from Elena and over to an empty corner of the room.

"I'm sorry you have to put up with that. Are you alright?" She asks, sitting down with me.

"I'm ok. Thank you for that."

"Not a problem. You shouldn't have to put up with racism like that. I'm just hoping the prince doesn't share that chics views on everything."

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