Y - then what did you mean

A - your gonna be drunk other people are gonna be drunk and if a drunk person comes up to you your not thinking and it's not like you can do anything-

Y - oh so now I'm weak and stupid

A - n- y/n your just putting words in my fucking mouth

Y - yeah ok then bye Alex

A - y/n-

I hung up and he texted me right after


My bby😚 - I don't want to be in a fight while your gone

My bby😚 - or ever

My bby😚 - y/n

He started calling me but I kept declining


My bby😚 - please answer

My bby😚 - baby I'm sorry

My bby😚 - call me ok

I left him on read then called Sam


S - are you in town

Y - yeah actually and I was thinking we should go to a party

S - oh for sure

Y - great

S - can I go to your house right now

Y - yeah thats fine

S - great I'll see you in a bit

Y - ok bye Sam

S - bye

She hung up then I turned off my phone and laid on my bed. I decided to get up and go bug Anthony. I walked to his room and opened his door. He was throwing his basketball into the hoop

An - what do you want

Y - wow I barely see y'all and now I can't cherish the moments I have with you

He looked at me then shot the basketball and missed

Y - ooo you suck ass

An - ok then you try

Y - boy please I was the one that taught you how to play basketball

He passed the ball to me then I walked across the room from the hoop and threw it. Of couse I made the shot

Y - thats how it's mother fucking done bitch

An - *smiles* lucky shot

Y - yeah ok whatever

We kept throwing the ball until mom called me. I walked dowstairs

Y - what

M - your friends are here

Sam ran up to me and hugged me so did Devyn

De - I missed you so much

Y - I missed you too dev

S - did you bring Jazz

Y - no Alex stayed back with her in LA

S - aww

Y - I know I miss her too but it's ok where's Lauren

De - she's with her grandma for the week

Y - oh ok come on

They followed me upstairs to my room then we sat on my bed

Y - I got shit to tell you

I told them about mine and Alex's little argument

S - so have you guy's talked

Y - no I ignored him he keeps apologizing but I don't care

S - then we should totally go to a party

De - yeah I'll ask car- *gets quieter* Carlos

Y - you can say his name and honestly I don't really even care about him anymore

De - good because I still talk to him

Y - then ask him if he knows about any parties and we can go shopping

S - yesss

De - ok I'll text him

We listened to music and talked until Carlos texted dev

De - he said there is one tonight and it is outdoors with no drinks so we have to take our own drinks

Y - bet then let's go shopping right now

We got our stuff then we walked downstairs

Y - mom we are gonna go to the mall to get outfits for the party tonight

M - what party

Y - I don't know someones party

Ma - ooo can I go

Y - uh

Ma - pleaseee

Y - no

M - y/n let your brother go

Y - he can go to the party but not shopping

Ma - that's fine

Y - *sighs* we will be back bye

I walked out the door with the girls following and we got in my car

Y - I missed my car so much

De - I did too

S - it smells good in here and not like fucking chik fil a

Y - my mom took it to get cleaned now my babies better then ever

De - can we go

Y - yeah

I started driving to the mall


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L is for love | a Blesiv StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz