Start from the beginning

Piper: More importantly, what are we gonna do?

Rose: Wait, I think I found a spell. To unbind a bond.

Nicholas: (from downstairs) You can't run from me.

Prue: Okay, we have no choice.

Piper: Okay, Rose, hurry.

Phoebe: Okay. "The bond, which was not to be done, Give us the power to see it undone, And turn back time to whence it was begun." (Twinkling lights encircled them, they disappear for a few seconds and reappear in the same spot.) It didn't work.

Prue: Nothing happened.

(A phone rings from downstairs. Phoebe opens the attic door.)

Phoebe: Whose phone is that?

Piper: Not ours.

Someone downstairs: Halliwell residence.

Piper: You go.

Phoebe: Nah-uh, you go.

Piper: Nah-uh she goes (they push Rose out of the attic, Phoebe closes the door and Prue gives a dirty look)

[Cut to the stairs. Rose sees her grandma talking on the phone.)

Grams: I beg your pardon? Well, Donna, I'm just hurt that you would suspect my little angels of such a thing.

Rose: (to herself) Grams?

(A young Prue and Piper run past Grams.)

Grams: Prue. Uh, just a moment, Donna. Prue, Piper, girls, don't run in the house. Yes, yes.

(Rose goes back in the attic.)

Piper: What did you see?

Phoebe: The warlock?

Rose: No. you guys.

Opening Credits

[Scene: They are still in the attic. Phoebe is looking through the Book of Shadows.]

Piper: How do we know we're back in time? What if we just brought the past to us accidentally. We've done it before.

Prue: Piper, look around. What do you see?

Piper: A messy attic, like always.

Prue: No. Not just like always. We have a black light, a typewriter, eight-track tapes, and a pet rock. I mean, we got rid of this stuff years ago, remember?

Piper: And you saw us? As kids?

Rose: Yeah.

Piper: This can't be happening. I'm getting a migraine.

Rose: Better not. I don't think Advil's been invented yet. And apparently neither has this spell. It's not in here anywhere.

Piper: But we just cast it, that's how we got back... here.

Phoebe: Yeah, well, wherever here is, it's before the spell was written.

Prue: So, there's nothing in there about how to get back to our own time?

Rose: Nothing. Uh, let me be the first to say we're screwed.

Prue: No, okay, at least we're alive, I mean if we stayed in our own time, Nicholas would have killed us. We barely got away as it was... is... will be... you know, I've never been good with tenses.

Piper: What are we gonna do?

Rose: Well, Grams is right downstairs, maybe we should just go and tell her who we are.

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