Trying to intimidate him I stared back into his emerald green eyes about half a foot over mine. Damn him for being over six feet tall; this wasn’t very intimidating at all on my part. Sighing I went back to staring at the cars roll by all the while popping French fries into my mouth, why the hell does he hate me so much? I didn’t do anything wrong; in fact I saved his sorry ass twenty four hours ago from being chopped up into sushi.

            It took another minute of ignoring him to make him leave me alone; the second he left I turned around to stare at the back of his head sticking my tongue out him; childish I know but it made me feel better. After another half hour my class finally made its way back outside and Nick caught up to me asking, “Why were you outside? I would have come to sit with you but it’s like fifteen degrees out.”

            Wrinkling my cold nose I stated, “How come no one understands my need to get outside for a little before being stuck in that stupid bus; I have a right as a person of this country to do whatever I want.” Nick just stared at me before rubbing my hands between his to warm them up; I smiled up at him when I could feel my fingers again.

            Someone knocked into my back and I stumbled forward into Nick who wrapped his arms around me to keep me steady. “You guys should really get a room, that is disgusting,” Crystal sneered at us and we both just stared at her silently until she walked away in a huff. Ashley walked by wrinkling her nose in disgust at us; Vanessa shot me a smile and a wink.

            When Nick and I tromped onto the bus I saw Crystal stick her leg out in the aisle to trip me. If she really expected me to fall for that then she had another thing coming. Walking forward nonchalantly I over exaggerated tripping on her foot, as I was falling through the air I swung my arm out and smacked her as hard as I could.

            Finding my balance I squealed, “Oh my god, did I ruin your perfect face Crystal? Are you going to need another nose job? How much money do I need to pay to get all of that fixed?” When I said the last sentence I waved my hand in front of her entire face; the students around us started to snicker. She turned bright red and called me a bitch under her breath, smirking I kept walking until I swung around and plopped down in my seat propping my feet up on the foot rest.

            Popping up behind me Sam said, “You know what, Josey I love you.”

            Leaning back to look her in the face I replied, “Well isn’t that sweet Sam but I’m sorry I don’t roll that way.”

            Nick and Tim both muttered, “I would hope not.” We all laughed.

            When Sam calmed down she said, “Okay not like that smart ass,” I smiled up at her and she explained, “I mean no one else would ever stand up to Crystal before, now she’s just a freaking mess with you around.” We all stared up at the blonde and saw that she was poking her nose staring at herself in the mirror; I started cracking up.

            Natalie and Dylan turned around to face us, Dylan said, “Yep, I think she is finally losing it, good job Jose.” Hm, Jose, that could be a cool interesting nick name, I think. But I’ve never been close enough to anyone to get a nickname before so I think I like it.

 I smiled at them all then paused when we heard Crystal squeal, “Holy shit is my nose actually crooked? I really do need a nose job!” The six of us started laughing hysterically.

The second Sam fell asleep in our room that night I pulled off my covers to leave right away. My organization texted me that they had a few new weapons for me to have and they dropped them off in the dump at the edge of the city already, so I had to get over there fast to grab them.

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