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It's been a few months since the ceremony of Sage getting named the true beta of the pack, and I the Beta female, I saw Mrs. Meow and Howl getting really close, to the state that they'd sleep together on a nightly basis. Christmas has came and gone it's now May, two more months until our grad, and Sage and I can start our life together, but I'll miss Sarah to no end, even though I'll be a minute walk away from the school, I walked out of my dorm I saw a lot of girls walking around with their short shorts and tank tops and think
"I can't believe that with all these hot girls walking around that I'd be mated to beta and he'd want to be with me," it was almost end of the school year, it went by so quickly it only felt like yesterday I walked onto school grounds and met Sage.

Finally one week left then I would be graduating then soon marrying Beta. I was excited because I'd still be able to keep my eye on Sarah as living the life I've always wanted, a husband and family, which I never thought coming true. The week before prom went by super quickly before I knew it I was walking into the grad/prom room for a night of dancing and laughter with Sage, all my friends, and Alpha.
The night went by quickly I awoke the next morning curled up next to Sage, I sighed as I looked over his sleeping body "I still can't believe i'm yours forever," I thought of my life and a wedding and children soon. I closed my eyes and sighed ready for the next part of my life.

Leave her alone BetaWhere stories live. Discover now