I winced. "I didn't mean to."

"I know that. She knows that too, but it's just how her head works." He placed the cup of juice on his side table and laid back. "She'll forgive you. But it will take some time for her to forget."

"She keeps pushing me away, it's frustrating."

"If she keeps pushing you away you just need to find enough strength to hold on tighter." He smiled.

"So I've to just sit and...wait?"

"Win her back. Speed up the process." He grinned.

"How?" I asked, and he shrugged. "Should I get her some flowers?"

He snorted, "She'll probably beat you with it."

Yeah, I thought so.

"She is a difficult person to please," I muttered.

"Veronica is the definition of difficult." He chuckled. "Little demon, lives up to her name."

A throat cleared behind me and we both turned around, to look at the door, alarmed.

My eyes widened in surprise when I saw Veronica leaning against the doorway, her eyes narrowed in on us. "Are you guys done talking about how awesome I am or do you need some more time?"

"Do you think I thought her into existence?" I murmured, leaning closer to Neil.

"No offense, but you're not that powerful." He snorted and then looked back at her with a sickly sweet smile. "Hey, best friend!"

She rolled her eyes and was about to say something when Neil grunted in pain as he tried to adjust the pillows behind him and she rushed to his side. Her frown fell away from her face, quickly replaced by concern.

"How are you?" She asked as she helped him get comfortable.

"Living my best life, thanks for asking. How are you?"

She rolled her eyes, but there was a reluctant smile tugging up her lips. "I'm fine."

"Why do I ever expect any other response from you?" Neil muttered, frowning at her.

"How did last night go?" I asked and her eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Neil told me about it."

She nodded. "It was...hard and emotional. But it's over now and I feel much lighter."

"What do you want to do today? Watch a movie? Get your ass kicked in another board game?" She asked Neil and he scowled. 

"No and No. You won't be spending your day with me because Tyler wants to take you out." He shot me a satisfied grin and I furrowed my eyebrows. When did we talk about that?

"Really?" Veronica looked at me with a strange look on her face.

"Uh, yeah. Yes, I mean if you're okay with that. I know we are not on the best terms right now, but I thought it'd be nice to spend some time together, it's not a date or something, I mean, you know...uh..."

"I'd like that." She interrupted my pitiful rambling with a small smile. 

"Yeah?" I asked, unsure. I couldn't believe that she was actually agreeing to my half-cooked plan.

"Yes." She nodded and then looked at Neil. "Only if you don't need me here, today."

"Ugh, just go. And it's almost time for the cute nurse to make her rounds and check up on me."

"Dude! She is way older than you." She scrunched her nose up adorably and I chuckled. 

"Dont judge. Now leave, quick, before she comes!"

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