"Ugh, fuck Liam. Just stop thinking about it; a fresh start. You're going to have a fresh start." I said to myself. I looked out the window of my car and looked at the new area I would be living in.

My phone started ringing, and I looked at the screen and saw it was my dad calling me.

I let out a sigh and answered.

"Hey, Dad," I said on the phone.

"Liam, son. Are you sure about this move?" My dad asked me again. He's been asking me about it since the moment I put my old house up for sale.

"Yes, Dad, I've already purchased my new home and have things moved in already. I am sure about the move." I said to him, even throwing a fake chuckle in there.

I truly wanted my dad to buy it, but him being my dad, of course, didn't buy that fake chuckle of mine.

"Liam, listen. Son, I know you're going through a lot right now, and I know what happened was horrible.-" My dad who was speaking to me with a soft understanding voice didn't even get the chance to finish his sentence; my mother's voice cut in with curse words.

"Horrible? that dirty two-timing slut cheated on my fucking son, my fucking flesh, the best fucking flesh she would have ever had! Cheated on my son and had the nerves to live in that house, to sleep with that man in my son's house!" My mother yelled, causing me to wince.

That was another reason why I moved and bought new furniture, and sold the old ones, including my mattress.

"Kat, don't- He's on the phone, and you're not the only one upset about this, he is too, and he's hurt." My dad said softly to my mom.

"I'll fucking ruin that hoe; I'll ruin her completely; she messed with my blood." My mother said.
I could hear my dad moving away from her. My mother was someone that could go on with her rants for hours.

My dad probably moved into another room as I didn't hear my mother anymore, He said my name and let out another sigh on the phone.

"Son, sorry about that. I know it isn't something you need to hear now; you know your mom is just... expressing her anger." My dad said.

"I know; she sounds angrier than me," I said, letting out another fake laugh.

My dad sighed again. My father was someone that sighed a lot when he didn't know what else to say.

"So, how is the area looking like?" He asked; I knew what my dad was doing. He was changing the subject.

He knew I was still angry about this, but he didn't want me to discuss it or think about it anymore.

"The area is really nice; I like it a lot. There are some stores that I want to check out as well." I said to him.

"That's good; I'm sure your mother and I will like it when we come down for a trip. How far are you away from home?" My dad asked me.

"About five minutes," I told him.

"Okay, I'll talk to you till you get to the driveway; sounds good?" He asked.

I smiled; it was a real one.

"Yes, dad, sounds good," I said, and that is precisely what we did; we talked about anything that came to mind until I got to the driveway.

"Alright, Dad, I'm here. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love you and tell mom I love her too." I told my dad.

"Will do son, love you and stay safe." My dad said, ending the call.

I got out of my car and heard someone called out to me.

"Mr. Remington."

I turned around and saw a blonde woman by the entrance of my house.

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