Part 1: Verse 1 + Chorus

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Lance's POV
There's some things I should've said
I was too afraid
(this is a flashback btw)

I was walking through the halls of the Galaxy Garrison to the dorm room I shared with Hunk and a few others. I talked with Hunk about various topics, like who the nicest professor was and who we thought the best pilot was.

"The best of the cargo pilots will always be you, buddy," Hunk said. 

"Thanks, Hunk. But I still wish I could be a fighter pilot," I replied.

Just then, as we were almost to our door, someone walked right by me. I looked back, so I could identify who it was. The first thing I noticed was a jet-black mullet.

Keith, I thought. The best fighter-class pilot. Also the cutest boy in this whole place, in my opinion at least. 

"Hey, Keith!" Hunk shouted. "What are you doing?"

I loved Hunk, but he wasn't that good at starting a conversation. 

"Uh, going to my dorm. You?" he responded. 

Wow. I guess they both forgot that Iverson told us all to go to our dorms just a few minutes ago. 

"Um. We're also heading to our dorms?" I didn't mean to make that sound like a question, but my voice goes crazy when Keith is around. So does my heart. 

"Cool. See you tomorrow," he said. Then he walked off. 

I wish I could just tell him. Every time I see him, it takes almost all my effort to not blurt out, "I like you!" But does he even like guys? Does he like me? Am I even good enough for him? He wouldn't have feelings for me, the lowly cargo pilot. It's good that I don't tell him. I don't want my heart to be broken. 


It was just so hard to let you know
And now it's all too late
What we had was beautiful
I didn't wanna wreck it all
Every day I think about the truth

My alarm has been ringing for the last 10 minutes, but I couldn't muster the will to reach out and turn it off. We've been having so many technological advances lately, thanks to the Holt family working with Coran. Why couldn't they have just invented a better alarm clock?

The truth is, I haven't been wanting to get out of bed lately. I keep getting lost in so many memories. Some days, it's my buried feelings for Keith. Other days, it's the last thing Allura said to me. The only thing keeping me going is the juniberries growing outside. They were Allura's favorite flower. As long as I keep these juniberries alive, I keep her memory alive. 

Sometimes, I wish I hadn't gone outside on that fateful night. It would have spared me all this pain. 

But then the whole universe, including Earth, would have been destroyed. Also, you wouldn't have gotten closer to Keith, my brain reminded me.  

Keith. I wish he was here, on Earth. He's off with the Blade of Marmora helping other people on other planets. I've liked him ever since we first met at the Garrison. I wish I had the courage to tell him, "I like you. I always have." Now, it's too late. He doesn't need me holding him back.


I wish I was...
I wish I was...
Brave enough to love you
Brave enough to love you

I started making breakfast for myself, a nice cheddar cheese bagel. I cut the bagel in half and put it in the toaster. While it was toasting, I thought about the memory that was going through my mind earlier.

I wish I had the guts to tell Keith I liked him when we were aboard the Castle of Lions. Maybe then we would have become more than friends. I should have told him I liked him instead of dating Allura. After she died, I gave it a lot of thought. Too much thought. And I realized that I never really saw her romantically. I admired her so much, but I never really felt the same towards her as I did Keith. My grief for her is definitely real, just not a lover's grief. 

That brings an onslaught of guilt. In lying to myself, I lied to Allura also. She deserved better than me. I don't deserve to be happy with or without Keith, after lying this whole time. All I'm good for is keeping these juniberries alive. 

Then I heard the sound of the bagels popping up out of the toaster. I picked them up, not caring about the burning heat of them, and started to spread them miserably. 

Still, even through all the guilt that was clouding my mind, a voice in my head kept whispering, I wish Keith were here.

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