chapter five

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trigger warning for emetephobia - this chapter isn't necessary to the overall story, just explains the holiday, don't read the party segment or just skip the chapter xx

Elizabeth and Dean spent two weeks on the beach, swimming and surfing with Dean's family during the day, and sneaking back off to the beach at night to drink.

It became a daily routine, they would swim, tan, and lunch with Emily, then they would head to bed shortly before the adults, play cards until they heard Dean's dad snoring, and head back out again.

Then, of course, came the best part. They would shimmy down the bamboo trellis at the side of Deans window, which led to the bottom of the holiday house around the back.

After that, the plan was easy, make their way out of the back garden and walk along the road past the house, and go down to the far side of the beach out of view, to where the locals held nightly bonfires.

They had found out about these parties from one of Dean's older friends, they holidayed in Dorset almost every summer, so Dean knew a lot of the local boys, who told them they should go, because tons of people rocked up anyways.

The "vibes" as Lizzie described it, were immaculate, although there was no music, everyone sat around playing drinking games on fallen tree logs, and as everyone progressively got more drunk, people filtered away, until someone called out it was almost 2am, when Dean and Lizzie would stumble home, so they wouldn't appear too tired come morning.

The pair would get drunk and play poker every night, whilst Dean's parents lay sleeping in bed, none the wiser.

The best parts of the night were always when the special brownies made an appearance.

Then shortly after came group games of truth or dare, thankfully vertiserium wasn't supplied in muggle pharmacies, so the pair were able to lie about their age and claim they were fifteen rather than the mere thirteen year olds they were.

Lizzie had starting going to parties the previous summer, following the habits of the older girls she lived with in Gulches, and eventually began drinking, as the parties were boring without.

Dean only drank when he was with Lizzie.

She never encouraged him to or tried to pressure him in any way, but he wanted to be supportive. And if he couldn't stop her from drinking, he supposed he had to join her. Besides, he couldn't pretend he didn't enjoy it.

It was honestly a miracle that the both of them made it back every night relatively unscathed. Neither had broken a bone or ended up hurt.

They just got very drunk and very high.

On one Friday night, Dean had to carry Lizzie back because she couldn't stand up.

And the following Saturday, Lizzie gave Dean a piggie-back home because the closest he came to walking was crawling along the path.

When they woke on the final Friday of Lizzie's stay, both had blinding headaches and their stomachs threatened to make them spew any second.

As soon as Lizzie rose from her position next to Dean on his bed, she had to race to the bathroom in an effort to avoid being sick on the carpet.

The sounds of Lizzie reaching were enough to have Dean kneeling on the bathroom floor beside her, attempting to hold her hair back as he was sick in the toilet alongside her.

As they made their way out of the bathroom and downstairs, they were greeted with the glorious smell of coffee and bacon sandwiches.

"Emily you are a star!" Lizzie grinned as she flipped onto a seat at the table, "just what we need!"

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