Chapter Eleven

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"You should be in your room."

Izuku couldn't look up - he just couldn't. From where he was, sunken on the ground in the hall way opposite his Unkie's room, he could see the mess of bandages. 

It was a complicated situation; he didn't want to see the mess his Unkie was, but he couldn't stand not having the man in sight.

There was a heavy sigh, and Hitoshi slid to the ground besides him, gently knocking his shoulders. Izuku ignored the pain in his wrist as he kept it curled to his chest, the ache in his back as his muscles stiffened from staying in the same position the whole time. He vaguely knew the whole ward was trying to find him - he'd climbed out of bed the second he awoke and staggered to find the man he'd seen be- 

He needed to be with Shouta.

Hitoshi mumbled something - well, it wasn't a mumble but Izuku's drums where still mildly damaged - and the greenette knocked out a elbow slightly.


Hitoshi was silent for a minute, before moving and tapping the top of Izuku's head. He looked up slowly, blinking at the harsh light, and seeing his brother crouched in front of him. Enough he could see the room, but not the bandages.

Izuku wasn't sure whether he hated red or white more.

'Uncle H-I-Z-A-S-H-I is on his way. Are you in pain?'

Izuku decided to lie, and shook his head, lowering his head before he could see the displeased look on his face. 

He was in a lot of pain - his wrist was in agony and leg constantly feeling cramped. His head throbbed and his ears, well, he would rather feel them burst than the ringing and pain they brought him now.

His mind silenced his pain though. His mind was silencing a lot of things, and for once he was grateful. It meant he could focus on protecting his Unkie without imagining hearing the machines flat line.

That had already happened - it could again. 

"What are you doing here Jelly Bean?" Izuku guessed his Uncle was speaking loudly, but it was still soft and quiet to him. He shrugged and pulled into a ball tighter. "You should go back to your room-"

Izuku had only fought harder the previous day.


"Kill Eraserhead."

Izuku startled awake, green eyes snapping open. They immediately moved to the the propped open door opposite, and onto the huddle of bandages. Taking in a shaky breathe and ignoring the growing pain, Izuku rubbed around the temporary Hearing Aids, the skin sore.

As he settled back slightly, tired eyes growing heavy, he blinked past his dry eyes. It had been three days now - only a day since his Unkie had woken up and Izuku had refused to go in - and he still hadn't moved. He'd had a small gulp of water a day, the Doctors saying he needed the pain medication or he'd be forced to go back, but the food was left untouched. 

It had been three days since he cried.

He jumped at a voice, lurching awake and adrenaline spiking. He felt light headed, the sudden movement sending burst of pains through him.


It was slightly muffled, a small ruffling following it, and sound strained. Izuku held his breathe, wondering whether he had just imagined it. 

"Lettuce, come here."

Izuku's eyes widened, his Unkie's voice making his head pound and heart thrum as he scrambled for where he was - slowly down and hissing as his arm and legs gave a pained spasm. Clutching onto the door way, Izuku kept his gaze down.   

There was sigh. "To the bed."

Izuku didn't move for a minute, biting his lip. His eyes burned and he felt dizzy, but that wasn't the problem. He couldn't look up, because if he did he wouldn't see the face of the man who'd raised him. He wouldn't even see the mess of bandages.

He'd see the red, broken, face from his nightmares. He'd see the face of would have been his Unkie's death face if he was too slow - a sudden thought dawned on him that made his stomach twist more than before.

He could have prevented this - if he hadn't of been so proud and stupid and took All Might's Quirk, he could have saved his Unkie, he could have been an actual Hero.


His body was staggering forward before he could think, stopping by the bed with a lowered head. The steady sound of the heart monitor brought him a surprisingly comfort.

"Zashi's been telling you aren't eating or drinking, and that your sat outside my room and refusing to move." Izuku didn't answer, and Shouta sighed.

"That's not helping anyone, is it? You're injured, you should be-" 

Izuku choked out then, tears falling as his body shook.

"Yo-You're hu-hurt more!" 

There was a second of silence, and Izuku took a step back as his Unkie spoke again. "And that's why I'm staying in bed. You should do. You want to protect me, don't you?"

Izuku knew this was a manipulation technique, but he was too tired and relieved to care. He hummed a yes.

"Then climb into the bed and we'll sleep - you can protect me that way. The blanket is kind of itchy and I'm cold."

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